I had a plan for a blog I was gonna post today, I've been thinking of writing about a passage from Far From The Madding Crowd, which I'm currently reading. It was one of those passages where the words resonate within you. You know exactly the feelings it's trying to portray, & it's phrased in words so much richer & more eloquent than you could ever hope to conjure up from within yourself. It's a simple & yet elegent paragraph, the words flowing from the page & settling in your soul, embracing you with their beauty & profundity,
It's a paragraph to read over & over, simply for the pleasure they arose in you
But events have overtaken me
I HAVE MY ENTRY VISA TO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be living by Marvel's side by easter
I'm just kinda overwhelmed right now, it's been 3 years in the making, in fact I could be flying there 3 years to the day from my first visit. It's been three years of joy & hurt, of amazing times & heartbreaking, gut wrenching moments. There were times we thought we weren't strong enough to make it , but we did. We have
I finally get to by her side permanently, where I belong
It's a paragraph to read over & over, simply for the pleasure they arose in you

But events have overtaken me
I HAVE MY ENTRY VISA TO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be living by Marvel's side by easter

I'm just kinda overwhelmed right now, it's been 3 years in the making, in fact I could be flying there 3 years to the day from my first visit. It's been three years of joy & hurt, of amazing times & heartbreaking, gut wrenching moments. There were times we thought we weren't strong enough to make it , but we did. We have
I finally get to by her side permanently, where I belong
Wow! Congrats man! Bets of luck on your new life over here!

You're MY dork ♥