Has it actually been 2 months since my birthday?? What is it they say? Time flies when you're having fun!
SO what have I been up too thats so much fun I hear you ask. (okays you probably didn't ask but I'm gonna tell you anyway!)
First off I've been on another trip to Canadialand to visit my gorgeous, secksy, adorable wifes

We spent a day in Vancouver, visiting Granville Island & Stanley Park, before heading back to Victoria. We did the usual touristy things

The Bears were close by (my sister almost bumped into one while out on an early morning walk! she woke up pretty damn fast, almost as fast as she ran away

The cougars were growly (not the thing you want to hear from the undergrowth whe you're heading to the toilets in the middle of the night in the pitch black, just ask Marvel)
My mum, sister, "cousin John" & myself being tourists & enjoying the view

A good time was had by all I believe
I also bought a bear coffee table for the new place (did I mention marvel has just moved?) plus a few other bits & pieces like plates & a kettle

Sadly I had to leave to come back to the UK again
I initially typed "to come back home" there, but as I was typing it just felt wrong. I know now that the only place "hime" truly is for me is with my wife. Where I am right now is just me treading water till I finally get to be by her side for good.
Since getting back I've decided I to change a few things about my life.
The first thing is to spend less time on the computer! I spend several hours talking to Marvel each day online & thats not gonna change, it's the times when I get home from workm several hours before my wofe gets online, that I want to cut out. It wouldn;t be so bad if I was actually doing something of significance on there, but all I do is nothing! The hours pass by & I end up feeling so unproductive & getting annoyed with myself for wasting so much time.
a few days excepted I've been doing pretty well at it so far
All I have to decide now is what to do with that extra time.
On the list is more reading, something I love but haven;t been doing anywhere near as much as I would like recently. My current reading list includes "The Penguin History of Canada" & "The West Beyond The West - A history of British Columbia" Time to learn something more about the country I'm moving too
I also want to do more woodworking/carving. I haz lots of raw materials but haven't used enough of what I've collected so far. If I don;t use it soon it'll be wasted as I can't take it wioth me whan I finally move.
I've also become intruiged with the idea of attempting some cabinet making. Marvel's bathroom urgently needs some form of vanity unit & after spending lots of time trawling second hand stores & online pages no progress has been made in finding a suitable one. So I thought " why not make one myself" I've had a few ideas, but if I do it I wanna do it properly, using traditional techniques, proper mortice & tenon joints, using solid wood, not a piece of MDF in sight.
In fact the thought has gone beyond that one piece of furniture. I'm 36 years old & have never had any idea what I want to do for a career. Maybe this is it.
Of course I've never attempted anything like this before, I may quickly learn that I have NO talent in that area in the slightest & it's more likely to end up as a hobby than anything seious anyway. But it's nice to let the miond wander about where it may take me
I've started swimming again for the first time in close to 25 years! I realised while camping that I'm offically uselss in the water! In fact water kinda terrifies me, it always has, I'm fine till I get close to being out of my depth, then I just totally freak out. My step-kids LOVE to swim, I spent hours in the water with them at Sooke but I never felt confident. I should be having fun with them, & more importantly looking out for them, be able to do something should either of them get into difficulties.
So my goal is to reach the point where I have that comfort level so I can take them swimming & not be freaking out constantly. I've been twice so far, I would have been more but I had to abandon my plans for this week as I simply didn;t have the energy.
Why didn't I have the energy? well last wednesdau as I was cycling home from work, a car traveling in the opposite direction decided they'd like to make a turn across my lane. Unforyunatly they failed to spot me! The inevitable collision kinda left me rather bruised & sore! Luckily I managed to brake & slow down enough once I realised the car was coming across my path so that the impact was on my forks & front wheel. I did have a rather large bruise on my hip, which still hasn't totally faded & a very sore back for several days afterwards.
Sadly my bike fared worse the forks snapped in half & the front wheel is buckled beyond repair, sighs, to replace just thise two bits is gonna cost about 400. I can claim that of the drivers insurance though, I have all the details just gotta try & squeeze the money out of them now. It's more the inconvenience . I mean I have another bike to ride to work, but it's my town/play bike, it weighs probably 3 times as much as my road bike & it takes an awful lot more energy to cover the 10 miles than on my nice shiney road bike! (so for inconvienience read laziness
so thats my life since my last blog
see you in a few more months *waves & blows you kisses*