My packed lunches for work this week will consist of lime, chilli & garlic chicken with guacamole all in some wholegrain wraps
Just prepeared it all, the chicken is marinating right now, gonna go pop it in the oven soon. The guacoamole is made & my goodness it has a kick
I could be breathing fire the rest of the week I think
I'm can;t believe I forget to buy the sourcream though
sighs, I'll make do without it but it win;t be the same.
I was out early again today, walking the dogs at 8am, through the woods & down to the river where Dexter spent his time swimming after sticks & chasing me on the bank so he could shake himself right next to me
Why do dogs do that? I understand the shaking, but why oh why do they have to do it right next to you? Gypsy is an old lady now so just spent her time sniffing around the bank & sitting next to me.
The rest of the day is hopefully gonna be chilled, got nothing to do now till work tomorrow
34 days till I get to see my Marvel again
srsly can't wait.
I ordered my bike bag ready for the trip out there, taking my mountain bike this time, it'll stay out there now, awaiting my permanent arrival hopefully by the end of the year.

Just prepeared it all, the chicken is marinating right now, gonna go pop it in the oven soon. The guacoamole is made & my goodness it has a kick

I'm can;t believe I forget to buy the sourcream though

I was out early again today, walking the dogs at 8am, through the woods & down to the river where Dexter spent his time swimming after sticks & chasing me on the bank so he could shake himself right next to me

The rest of the day is hopefully gonna be chilled, got nothing to do now till work tomorrow

34 days till I get to see my Marvel again

I ordered my bike bag ready for the trip out there, taking my mountain bike this time, it'll stay out there now, awaiting my permanent arrival hopefully by the end of the year.
Can't wait til you're here to unwrap your present