I sure do loves my wife,
She's my best friend & the most amazing girl on the planet. I only wish I could be there for her today & every other day come to mention it, waking up next to her every morning & falling asleep in her arms every night. Hopefully that will be a reality by the end of the year though
I finally have everything collected up together that I needs to submit my application for immigration.
Due to my own natural tendency for procrastination & a few other techinical difficulties (such as the person in charge of arranging Canadian immigration medicals for the only local clinic that does them being off ill or otherwise unavailable for almost a month :mad
it's taken waaay longer than it should have. I guess if we'd been more organised we would have filled out most of the relevent paperwork while I was there in December, but with the wedding & christmas & new years it was kinda busy. That way all I would have needed to do would have been get my medical done & obtain my police certificate, oh well thats all if's & but's & would haves & could haves. Can't change that now
It's not helped by thefact that I hatefilling out official forms
, I just get horribly intimidated by them & end up obsessing aver every question, terrified of making a mistake.
I have a few details I need to look up & few questions still to answer but the hard work is done now, just gotta fill out things tidily & get them sent off too Marvel who will add her section & send it off the Canadian Government
My medical was last thursday. I had to work as usual first thing, getting to work at 5am, opening the store at 6am & getting as much done as I could before someone could get there to take over for me at 9am. It's amazing how little the other people at work actually know how to do
But thats the bosses choice I guess, but on a Thursday I usually do a LOT so missing most of my workday meant very little important stuff got done, not that I worried about that at all, like I said it's the bosses choice not to teach the other staff how to do the ordering & paperwork & stuff. It just meant I had more to try & squeeze in over the last few days.
Anyway back to the point
The doctors office is luckily for me only a couple of miles from my house, but a 45 minute drive from work, so by the time & escaped work, got back to my car, stopped off for petrol, found somewhere to park it was almost 10:30. Typically I had to queue at reception for 10 mins as their were looooads of people there to make appointments & stuff. I always have that kinda luck
I eventually got to the front of the line, gave my name & stuff, then had to wait another 5 mins for the previously mentioned administrator for the Canadian immigration medicals. She brought a couple of forms I had to fill out & handed me a container for me to pee in
not that I had to do that right then just before I saw the nurse for after I'd seen the doctor
After waiting anopther 15 mins I finally got called in to see the doc. The medical itself consisted of firstly answering lots of questions on my medical history, have I ever had one of several diseases? (No) Have I been in contact with anyone that has? (No) Do I have a family history of any illnesses? (No) Have I ever had hospital treatment? Do I have any joint problems? etc etc etc.
Then it was onto the medical proper, Now I'm something of a Doctor-phobe
helped mainly by the fact that I've been remarkably healthy all my life, I went close to 30 years without seeing a doctor at all!!!
I tend to get rather nervous around them. I'm not sure if it made it easier that the Doc was a woman or not! anyway ot started out all straightforward, Blood pressure taken, ears & eyes peered at, weighed (Not having scales at home that bit kinda disappointed me, I'm heavier than I want to be for sure, better start working harder at losing a few pounds
) Height measured. Then it was on to the eye chart, I did pretty well I think, got them all right with my right eye but I was stopped from getting a perfect score when I messed up the penultimate letter of the last line with my left eye
sighs, I was hoping for a perfect score
Then it was on to the scarier bit. Being told to strip off to my underwear (good job I'd worn a tidy pair
) then laying down on the table thingy while she hit bits of me with her little rubber hammer I am assuming she was testing my reflexes & not doing it cos thats just her kinda thing
then I had to do things like lifting my legs one at a time as high as I could, folowwoing the movement of her finger with my eyes, all exciting stuff, then she said the words I really wasn;t looking forward to. "Could you pull down your underwear I will have to check your testicles
Now those of you that now me more than just in passing may know that I'm horribly, painfully shy & introverted, being nekkid in front of people really isn't my kinda thing (unless it's an SB set, but I put that down to a moment of madness :blush
I laid back & thought of england while she did that bit, thankfully it was only a few seconds worth of feeling & then I could cover up again.
Then I had to bend down & touch my toes & stuff, I actually surprised myself there & did actually touch fingers to toes
That was it for the Doctors bit, she signed the relevant forms & sent me back to reception where I had to wait for my turn to see the nurse for my blood test. That was the moment I used to head to the bathroom & pee in the cup
after another 10 mins of waiting I was called for that where they tested my pee (for diabeties - all clear) & went all vampire on me & stole some of my bloods) Ironically one of the 2 nurses actually had family on Vancouver Island which is exactly where I'm heading, that was kinda cool
Then it was back to reception where I had to do the most painful part of all, I had to pay *shudders* I left the office doctors office a few mins later 216 poorer with a form to take to my local community hospital for the chest x-rays for the process too. So it was off to there next. Where they relieved me of another 40 & made me wait another 40mins before being whipped off to the x-ray room where they took a whole minute to get the snaps they needed & to tell me I was all done. I have to say that was a little quicker than I expected but, I wasn't complaining! I made it home by 1pm & could spend the rest of the day relaxing
I needed it after the annxiety of the day up till that point, like I said I'm not good doing things out of my routine as it is, throw in a doctor & official documents & I'm a nervous wreck
So thats where we stand
the paperwork will hopefully be submitted by the end of the month at the lastest (together with another 500 or so
) & then we wait
Hopefully not for too long, My next visit is at the end of June, my Mum & 2 sistersa are gonna be coming over too this time
I'm sure the two halves of my family will get along well & a great enjoyable time will be had by all

I sure do loves my wife,

I finally have everything collected up together that I needs to submit my application for immigration.
Due to my own natural tendency for procrastination & a few other techinical difficulties (such as the person in charge of arranging Canadian immigration medicals for the only local clinic that does them being off ill or otherwise unavailable for almost a month :mad

It's not helped by thefact that I hatefilling out official forms

I have a few details I need to look up & few questions still to answer but the hard work is done now, just gotta fill out things tidily & get them sent off too Marvel who will add her section & send it off the Canadian Government

My medical was last thursday. I had to work as usual first thing, getting to work at 5am, opening the store at 6am & getting as much done as I could before someone could get there to take over for me at 9am. It's amazing how little the other people at work actually know how to do

Anyway back to the point

After waiting anopther 15 mins I finally got called in to see the doc. The medical itself consisted of firstly answering lots of questions on my medical history, have I ever had one of several diseases? (No) Have I been in contact with anyone that has? (No) Do I have a family history of any illnesses? (No) Have I ever had hospital treatment? Do I have any joint problems? etc etc etc.
Then it was onto the medical proper, Now I'm something of a Doctor-phobe

Then I had to bend down & touch my toes & stuff, I actually surprised myself there & did actually touch fingers to toes

That was it for the Doctors bit, she signed the relevant forms & sent me back to reception where I had to wait for my turn to see the nurse for my blood test. That was the moment I used to head to the bathroom & pee in the cup

Then it was back to reception where I had to do the most painful part of all, I had to pay *shudders* I left the office doctors office a few mins later 216 poorer with a form to take to my local community hospital for the chest x-rays for the process too. So it was off to there next. Where they relieved me of another 40 & made me wait another 40mins before being whipped off to the x-ray room where they took a whole minute to get the snaps they needed & to tell me I was all done. I have to say that was a little quicker than I expected but, I wasn't complaining! I made it home by 1pm & could spend the rest of the day relaxing

So thats where we stand
the paperwork will hopefully be submitted by the end of the month at the lastest (together with another 500 or so

Hopefully not for too long, My next visit is at the end of June, my Mum & 2 sistersa are gonna be coming over too this time

Yeah I've always worked for smaller companies or stores, so I'm not really relishing the prospect of Big Business. But we have about 7k to pay off on the credit cards (thanks to the cost of flights and the US Immigration people) so I really have to go for whatever job pays better right now. Also, you know how shitty the US medical system is - we don't have insurance right now and I'm terrified to even cross the street in case something happens that we can't pay for. So getting insurance benefits would be a plus.
But I really don't wanna be a grown-up and work in a stupid place that has stupid rules about bloody earrings. I've never had to take them out, since the day I got them, and I really don't want to start now.
It's Farther West.... you get to reinvent yourself. There's no overbearing history to play to... you have no relatives or their ancestors ghosts that expect you to live up to... and it sounds like it's going to be you.. And the girl you love, and a new experience. Which are all the best reasons to get your ass here....
See, I grew up here ( except for the occasional visits to europe while my Dad was working for NATO ) So to be introduced to such vibrant overreaching culture... and then have it dragged from my grasp without my say... I have to admit i shine towards places with a clear classic Western culture history, as my job... Theatre... which is my passion.... is so routed there, where you are right now. ( Shakespeare anyone...? )
But, this ( BC ) is home, the sky is clear, the water shines and the clean air is like a psycodelic drug... and I think you'll find it welcoming and delicious....