Time for an update
First of all thanks for all the kind comments left on both my & Marvel's blogs
I'll hopefully have the time to reply individually in the next few days
Right now things are totally up in the air. It's a stressful & complicated situation for both of us but we're trying to deal with things as best as we can.
I'm flying out next Friday to spend 2 weeks with her, including a week of camping.
The aim is to just talk everything through face to face, see where it takes us.
Maybe the answers we're looking will become obvious, maybe they won't
Maybe it'll help, maybe it will makes things worse.
We've both had so many plans & dreams & ideas that somewhere along the way we lost track the reality, of the here & now.
So we're just gonna see what happens, see which direction fate & circumstance takes us.
One thing we both know for sure is that first & foremost we're best friends & that's something we never want to lose. & I don't think we will.
Even in the toughest times we've been there for each other, we've never been judgmental, we've always been there as long as either of has needed.
We'll be okay, one way or another we'll be okay
Time for an update
First of all thanks for all the kind comments left on both my & Marvel's blogs
I'll hopefully have the time to reply individually in the next few days

Right now things are totally up in the air. It's a stressful & complicated situation for both of us but we're trying to deal with things as best as we can.
I'm flying out next Friday to spend 2 weeks with her, including a week of camping.
The aim is to just talk everything through face to face, see where it takes us.
Maybe the answers we're looking will become obvious, maybe they won't
Maybe it'll help, maybe it will makes things worse.
We've both had so many plans & dreams & ideas that somewhere along the way we lost track the reality, of the here & now.
So we're just gonna see what happens, see which direction fate & circumstance takes us.
One thing we both know for sure is that first & foremost we're best friends & that's something we never want to lose. & I don't think we will.
Even in the toughest times we've been there for each other, we've never been judgmental, we've always been there as long as either of has needed.
We'll be okay, one way or another we'll be okay

Thank you for the comment on my blog. I really am looking forward to seeing you