I've been a bit of a mess today
okay a lot of a mess
Thing should be so straight forward, but they're not, & sometimes it's just hard to cope
This is one of those times.
But tomorrow is a new day
& as my grandmother used to tell me
whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger
I hope she's right
I have the best friend anyone could ever ask for & that's something to be thankful for
sorry I haven't replied to you guys who commented on yesterdays blog. I tried but I didn't have the words
okay a lot of a mess
Thing should be so straight forward, but they're not, & sometimes it's just hard to cope
This is one of those times.
But tomorrow is a new day
& as my grandmother used to tell me
whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger
I hope she's right
I have the best friend anyone could ever ask for & that's something to be thankful for

sorry I haven't replied to you guys who commented on yesterdays blog. I tried but I didn't have the words
Don't freak out on me, Captain!