In my usual fashion I haven't updated this blog in a looooooooooooong time
I was just about to finish packing & get on a plane to visit Marvel the last time I wrote in here
Lots has happened since then.
I guess I should start right there where I left off. For the sake of narrative clarity & all
I had a long unexciting flight to Calgary, I was a bit worried about take off as London was suffering a rather large storm at the time. The plane was rocking in the wind on the tarmac
but it was actually a real smooth flight with hardly any turbulence at all, thank god!! I did the usual movie watching (Get Smart, Indiana Jones & best of all Planes, Trains & Automobiles
I love that film) Read my book for a bit. looked at the cloud outside. I didn't think it was possible for there to be cloud cover the entire way but there was..I did see the coastline of Greenland (it looked rather white & icy to me
) but that was it till we landed. & even Calgary was under a blanket of fog
I got dragged through immigration again..sigh..asked loads & loads of questions by, ironically, a customs officer originally from South Wales
. At least she wasn't as scary as the guy I got last time. But even so it took a good 45 mins to finally be let through. After being told I was being "kept an eye on"
As it turns out it was a goo job I got held up cos Marvel was late & had only just got there
Seeing her again was kinda overwhelming to say the least. I was better than last time but was still pretty tough to even speak. So I mainly just stared at her & smiled
My last visit was a pretty hectic affair, within a few days off arriving we were on a two day road trip through the mountains to her hometown in BC. This time things were a lot more "laid back" the furthest we traveled was to Drumheller & a visit to the dinosaur museum there.
It was mainly just us, together & it was perfect
We went to the movies, visited the zoo again, went out to eat, went to a SG night at a club (where we had our own reserved bed
we did find that kinda funny) We walked the dogs & wandered around an antiques store. We did everyday things. We cooked together, we did housework together, we watched tv together.
Everyday of it was perfect
So now I get to the biggest event of the trip..make that the biggest moment of my life, so far anyway
I asked her to marry me.
& she said yes
I had no real plan of where I was gonna ask her. I had the ring & a few vague ideas of how I wanted it to go but I'd decided before hand that I'd just ask when the moment felt "right". So I carried around with me most of the time, waiting
The restaurant was too noisy & crowded
The club was....a club & I HATE the places
Drumheller would have been front of the t-rex maybe.. but something wasn't quite right.
The Zoo was almost the place, but it was late & we didn't have much time there. Plus it was very very cold
So I finally asked her at the time that felt perfect. It wasn't in an exciting, dramatic location.
There was nobody else around to see
It was just the two of us, alone, talking.
I was just about to finish packing & get on a plane to visit Marvel the last time I wrote in here
Lots has happened since then.
I guess I should start right there where I left off. For the sake of narrative clarity & all

I had a long unexciting flight to Calgary, I was a bit worried about take off as London was suffering a rather large storm at the time. The plane was rocking in the wind on the tarmac

I got dragged through immigration again..sigh..asked loads & loads of questions by, ironically, a customs officer originally from South Wales

As it turns out it was a goo job I got held up cos Marvel was late & had only just got there

Seeing her again was kinda overwhelming to say the least. I was better than last time but was still pretty tough to even speak. So I mainly just stared at her & smiled

My last visit was a pretty hectic affair, within a few days off arriving we were on a two day road trip through the mountains to her hometown in BC. This time things were a lot more "laid back" the furthest we traveled was to Drumheller & a visit to the dinosaur museum there.
It was mainly just us, together & it was perfect

Everyday of it was perfect
So now I get to the biggest event of the trip..make that the biggest moment of my life, so far anyway
I asked her to marry me.
& she said yes

I had no real plan of where I was gonna ask her. I had the ring & a few vague ideas of how I wanted it to go but I'd decided before hand that I'd just ask when the moment felt "right". So I carried around with me most of the time, waiting

The restaurant was too noisy & crowded
The club was....a club & I HATE the places

Drumheller would have been front of the t-rex maybe.. but something wasn't quite right.
The Zoo was almost the place, but it was late & we didn't have much time there. Plus it was very very cold
So I finally asked her at the time that felt perfect. It wasn't in an exciting, dramatic location.
There was nobody else around to see
It was just the two of us, alone, talking.
Hey there fella!
How's tricks?
Yeah, that was my annual blog! lol I'm gonna make a concerted effort to be less of a lurker this year.
You're engaged too? Good effort! Gotta snag the good ones, eh? lol
Go ahead and be mushy with marvel, it's adorable! Hehe