Day 3
The day started early..waaaay to early. It was cold & dark & I really would have preferred to stay snuggled up in bed but we had a long way to go so we couldn't really wait around too much.
The plan was to load up the car & get on the road early but a blizzard held us back a few hours.

But eventually Marvel pointed the car towards the distant Rockies & our road trip was underway.

The weather treated us well the 1st few hours, clear skies for the most part but as we hit the mountains the snow started.& driving conditions were pretty horrible. We also learned that hard lesson of what happens when you don't check things properly before you leave. the roads were slushy dirty & the spray from passing cars & trucks meant visibility wasn't the best so what happens??? the car runs out of screen wash. DOH!!!! In the middle of the mountains, miles from the nearest town, nowhere to pull over even. & almost zero visibility.
Marvel coped extremely well with it all though, better than I would have done I'm sure.
We made it safely to Golden. Grab some food at McDonalds (I know but we were tired & hungry
) Refuel, refill the screenwash & its back on the road.
Several hours later with us starting to get very sleepy & irritable & with my back totaly seized up & in agony (bad backs really do suck ) we arrive at Merrit our stopover point for the night. We come to a Gas station / Diner which just happens to be next to a motel. so stop there for food.
The place basically does burgers & chicken..... except they're out of chicken which kinda restricts the choice somewhat
this photo..Its currently my desktop pic
After eating its straight to the motel where we collapse into bed & sleep.
Day 4
More driving
More roads
Less mountains
We eventually, after a little detour (...a road trips not worthy of the name unless you get lost at least once ) reach the ferry terminal. The next sailing is full so we have an couple of hours to kill. There is only one way to do that
It was very very very very cold so we had to have lots of snuggles too
I'm not a huge lover of boats in general so the ferry ride wasn't the highlight of my trip. but it was pretty calm so I coped.
I passed the time taking yet more photos of Marvel
I seriously think I've found my muse
I also got my 1st view of Vancouver Island.
My 1st reaction was. Wow... its beautiful!!!! a thought that would keep being reaffirmed on a daily basis.
(right click to see the whole pic..)
Then it was just a short drive & I was being introduced to the family
I think I made a good impression...I hope I did anyway
I hope that I am able to not second guess myself insane over everything. I am an anxiety ridden person, so it is rather hard to think of things going smoothly for me. I just need to shut my head up and let myself be happy.
Being able to be yourself with the person you care about I think is the clear difference in a relationship. If you are able to just be and not have to premeditate every action in order to assure your partner's happiness, I think it is pretty awesome. The one thing that makes me the happiest about my situation. Is not being scared if there is silence. It is not uncomfortable, but soothing.
Anyway, you take care of yourself.
I hope to talk with you soon