I don't know whats happening to me at the moment
the last week has been one of the craziest, strange & happiest of my life
totally out of the blue
no warning
just BAM!!!!
& I'm in a place I hadn't thought possible
feeling things I haven't felt since I was a teenager
I'm hooked
I'm walking around grinning like an idiot
I'm about to take the biggest chance I've ever done
I'm a play it safe kinda guy
I don't take risks
I gonna take this one
whatever happens
right now
its worth it
the last week has been one of the craziest, strange & happiest of my life
totally out of the blue
no warning
just BAM!!!!
& I'm in a place I hadn't thought possible
feeling things I haven't felt since I was a teenager
I'm hooked
I'm walking around grinning like an idiot
I'm about to take the biggest chance I've ever done
I'm a play it safe kinda guy
I don't take risks
I gonna take this one
whatever happens
right now
its worth it
This just made me grin like the Cheshire Cat!!!!