I carried out my duties as taxi driver for my mother & 2 cats yeterday.
The cats are very cute (I still believe all cats are the devils spawn though
) If I get a chance I will post some pics later. So Kevin & Brian (don't ask!!! I've learned not to where my little sister is concerned ) have a new home.
I stayed at my sisters & watched the superbowl. which meant I was awake for exactly 24 hours yesterday. grabbed a few hours sleep & was then up to go out mountain biking in the rain & mud
. I wa having an asthmatic day unfortunatley. & after just half a mile or so I thought I was gonna die
. My chest was so tight it was scary & I thought I was gonna puke
. I knw it doesn't usualylast long so I stopped & waited for 20 mins or so for it to pass & carried on. missing out the toughest section of the trail & taking the "easy" way to the top. After that I was fine. It was just me, the sound of the tyres on the trail & the wind. perfect.
I'm back at my sisters now. just had a long bath the pasta is cooking & I'm tired but relaxed
I've been feeling a bit on the lonely side again the last few days. I think its the insidious presence of Valentines day lurking on the horizon.
I'll get over it. It's just be another Valentines day being single & alone..I should be used to it by now
I've rambled incoherantly for long enough.
Time to for beer & food
I love you all
The cats are very cute (I still believe all cats are the devils spawn though

I stayed at my sisters & watched the superbowl. which meant I was awake for exactly 24 hours yesterday. grabbed a few hours sleep & was then up to go out mountain biking in the rain & mud

I'm back at my sisters now. just had a long bath the pasta is cooking & I'm tired but relaxed
I've been feeling a bit on the lonely side again the last few days. I think its the insidious presence of Valentines day lurking on the horizon.

I've rambled incoherantly for long enough.
Time to for beer & food

I love you all

yay to biking in rain and mud
. as for valentines its just a day and there are people that love you regardless of relationships and such. and thanks... it was incredible!

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