I did write an long winded, epic of a blog
It was full of revealing insights into the inner workings of my (warped) mind
It was a honest appraisal or my life, my achievements (or lack thereof), my insecurities, my strengths & weaknesses, my hopes & ambitions, my loves & losses, my failings, my personality flaws, my dreams, my fears.
I'd love to say it was like a holding a mirror up to myself & I was unable to cope with the truths that were revealed .
In reality it was self indulgent, egotistical bullshit
so i deleted it
you can tell more about me by looking at this pic than you would ever have done by reading that shite

It was full of revealing insights into the inner workings of my (warped) mind
It was a honest appraisal or my life, my achievements (or lack thereof), my insecurities, my strengths & weaknesses, my hopes & ambitions, my loves & losses, my failings, my personality flaws, my dreams, my fears.
I'd love to say it was like a holding a mirror up to myself & I was unable to cope with the truths that were revealed .
In reality it was self indulgent, egotistical bullshit
so i deleted it

you can tell more about me by looking at this pic than you would ever have done by reading that shite

Sorry for the jump there, I just have a knee-jerk reaction when people comment about age. There's definitely something to be said for experience but everybody has experiences. And it's wrong to assume that just because somebody hasn't experienced quite as many things that they don't have experience in the topic at question.