I like flirting.
I flirt with pretty much everyone.
Except if I'm actually interested them. Then I become a nervous wreck incapable of speech let alone anything else
Earlier today my most stunningly attractive customer (if I were to try & describe "my type" the simplest way would be to show a photo of her
) came into the shop & preceded to go through the whole text book flirting routine. Everything was there. The exaggerated pushing the hair from her face (several times), the tilting her head to show off her neck, the eye contact, the look downwards before making eye contact again, the smile, she even licked her lips
. All finished off with the "accidental" hand contact when she paid & the glance back over her shoulder as she left. If I wasn't already hopelessly in love with her (OK, I'll be honest... lust
) I certainly would be now
To give an idea of the effect she had on me, I honestly have no idea what she was wearing or what she bought
I don't think I took my eyes of off her face the whole time.
It made my day that up to that point had been pretty
I spent the last 3 hours of my shift grinning like an idiot
The most surprising thing was that I stayed a relatively sane, talkative & hopefully humorous
person throughout
like I said before
I like flirting
I flirt with pretty much everyone.
Except if I'm actually interested them. Then I become a nervous wreck incapable of speech let alone anything else

Earlier today my most stunningly attractive customer (if I were to try & describe "my type" the simplest way would be to show a photo of her

To give an idea of the effect she had on me, I honestly have no idea what she was wearing or what she bought

It made my day that up to that point had been pretty

I spent the last 3 hours of my shift grinning like an idiot
The most surprising thing was that I stayed a relatively sane, talkative & hopefully humorous

like I said before
I like flirting

Hope you had a nice sleep last night!