I finally managed to get out for a decent ride yesterday. 50 miles, 5 hours & hardly any flat sections. loads of steep climbs & flowing singletrack descents with the odd technical section thrown in for good measure.
I seriously needed that.
I went for the less technical trails for a change. I'd forgotten how much I love them. I don't ride them that often as they're not as "weather proof" as some of the others & can be pretty unridable in the winter. But on a day like yesterday with the sun shining & nice breeze to stop me overheating it was stunning. I had my camera on me & was intending to take a load of photos but I got into the "flow" of riding so much I just didn't want to stop. So no photos were taken.
The only downside is that I haven't done much off road riding recently & as a result my shoulders & back have seized up
I serioulsy need to do some weights to get a bit more upper body strength. There were a few moments near the end of the ride, on technical rocky sections, that I could hardly hold the bike on line. my arms were dead. The only problem with weights is I find them so fucking dull!!! Put me on my bike & I'll ride 7-8 hours straight pretty much without stopping. Lock me in a room with some weights & I'm bored & have lost interest after 3 minutes
My plan for today is to do fuck all & just rest my aching body (A massage would be nice but that ain't gonna happen
The sun is shining, the coffee is made, my book's by my side & I'm going to sit in the garden.
I seriously needed that.
I went for the less technical trails for a change. I'd forgotten how much I love them. I don't ride them that often as they're not as "weather proof" as some of the others & can be pretty unridable in the winter. But on a day like yesterday with the sun shining & nice breeze to stop me overheating it was stunning. I had my camera on me & was intending to take a load of photos but I got into the "flow" of riding so much I just didn't want to stop. So no photos were taken.
The only downside is that I haven't done much off road riding recently & as a result my shoulders & back have seized up

My plan for today is to do fuck all & just rest my aching body (A massage would be nice but that ain't gonna happen

The sun is shining, the coffee is made, my book's by my side & I'm going to sit in the garden.

Rest well. I make you a big hug to relieve your pains.