things are pretty damn good at the moment.
Me & Kate are getting on great, we've officially been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now, although if either of us hadn't been so pathetic it would have been longer!! Her reply tome asking her out was "I wondered if you were ever going to get around to it "
. Bizarrely I've already been introduced to her parents
They came to watch her playing with her string quartet on the opening night of the Bath music festival & went out for a drink after. It was kind of intimidating but I survived. I've apparently been given the thumbs up from her best friend too which is good
I'll be going to Wembley next saturday to watch Rovers hopefully win the league 2 playoff final & get promotion
work still sucks though. I really need to find something else before I go mad.

Me & Kate are getting on great, we've officially been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now, although if either of us hadn't been so pathetic it would have been longer!! Her reply tome asking her out was "I wondered if you were ever going to get around to it "

I'll be going to Wembley next saturday to watch Rovers hopefully win the league 2 playoff final & get promotion
work still sucks though. I really need to find something else before I go mad.
Happy fucking birthday!!