So how was everyone's weekend? I'm about to get ready to go to barre and then dancing. Exercise to me Is the best start to my week or end to my weekend. I always feel when I have a shit week at work and can't make my classes Ive at least done my Sunday workout. Also, what do you all prefer. Long hair or short hair? I'm trying to grow mine but I don't think I'll suit it and I get bored so easily i know I'll end up chopping it again 🙄
@heccles yeah i could but distance is a issue i am in Australia you see does sound like best to grow it out more do you use heat protect product when styling it with your hair straighter?
@edwinwanderfoot yeah I don't think I'd make it to Australia in any time soon haha. I use an argan oil after my shower and let my hair dry naturally then quick blow dry and straighten each morning. I only really crimp or curl or straighten my hair properly if I have a night out