i have no idea where i expected i would be at 23 any number of years ago... in fact, i can't recall one childhood dream... honestly... no "i wanna be this/do this/go there" i never wanted a husband to work so i could take care of babies... i never had any inkling of a "what i want to be when i grow up" and i...
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they were synthetic wool, which is a thousand times more comfortable than regular wool. And they are very comfortable usually.
And I was just asking about being 23, because I am a month into it and it already seems to be a complicated age.
it's something... whether that something can be classified as "complicated" or not depends entirely on your prespective... it's not my favorite year, that much is assured
so in the process of losing weight - something that i did not intend to do, it just happened for some reason - i also lost the majority of my breats... i look more and more boyish everyday it seems - which i'm liking - i've (almost) always loved being a girl - but boobs always got in my way - i don't have enough...
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Boo for boob loss... I mean do what you wanna- whatever makes you happy. But this world has too many girls that look like boys and vice versa already... I guess...
she will not rust through the tears
and it will not lose its appeal over years
come on!

so the funk has lifted from being constantly persistent for the past however many months and rolled back to it's expected coming and going as it pleases... my doctor wrote me a script for Prozac today for my mood swings and lifelong anxiety inspired insomnia, which i...
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it's not s.d warren anymore - it's sappi
you are my first friend. hooray
one of these days i'm going to buy a flamethrower, eat a bunch of acid, walk into the most annoying environment i can find and wait and see what happens

this week has completely sucked.... hard... from sunday on and i want to kill, kill, kill like i rarely have the ambition to

all i want is to be a song
my valuable hunting knife
everything I think about I think about
everything I talk about I talk about
with you
but you don't know what I go through
you don't know

i love Alien Lanes.

hang in there. climb inside the music for awhile - but remember to eat and breathe. kiss
"there's a ghost in my room and he says i better run..."

time cannot conceive of a time that it did not exist... yet it did not always exist and time does know this... knowing and understand are two entirely different things you see. and so it is perfectly reasonable and logical to say you know that time knows it once did not exist, and...
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i wish i could blame my insomnia on a freefloating spirit
I get the "i" once or twice a month.
Hmmmm, so yesterday marked the end of the first 24 hours I have been single in over three years - and it felt no different from every other day for the past month. This is bound to take a turn however, because we are still living together, with two other housemates, and no one's keen on the idea of moving since we just did it...
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THAT has to be strange to be still living in the same place with the ex, no?
living with the ex is strange, but not as stange as i thought it would be, which i think makes it more strange than it would've been if it had just been as strange as i'd expected it to be in the first place... it'll get stranger when my schedule changes and i'm home and awake during normal business hours.
I didn't realise how long it'd been since I'd updated this thing - Holy Shit! I really do need to get on the ball a bit better. My personal life is going to a hell in a hand basket these days... maybe it's the humidity? I also moved a couple of weeks ago, which isn't helping me be social, have spare time or remain sane...
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ah, the New Hampshire state liquor store... good stuff.

hope the humidity has lightened up some...

I met a non-dairy creamer explicitly laid out like a fruitcake
With a wet spot bigger than a Great Lake
Took me to the New Church and baptized me with salt
She told me 'liquor'
I am a new man

Hot Freaks!

This one is on the house
Well, this one is better than ever

I walked into the House of Miraculous Recovery
And stood...
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not yet - busy, lazy and I just generally suck. But it's coming... one of these days

one of my favorites from a huge catalog...

Don't you hate it when you're at work at 3:30am and suddenly NEED to have sex, otherwise you might just actually burst into flames? I don't know why this happens to me so much, I have plenty of sex - there's no logical explanation other than I have a preternaturally hyperactive sex drive, which is not a comforting one. Oh well, I'm going to go...
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Hahahahahaaaa Hahaaahaaaaaaa! As a single man I can officially say that the 'need' to have sex is one confronted entirely to often- and entirely to alone. frown
So I tried to post something in the wee hours of Sunday morning because I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, but between when I logged in and wrote my whole story of the past few weeks, SG went down for routine maint. so I lost the whole fucking thing... goddammit, so I smoked up and went back to bed. This photo is...
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hi, i saw your post on the anti-racist punks group. i know some of the activist/punks from maine. i think they're mostly hippys though. i went up to that demo in lewiston a few years ago.

strip clubs are fun, but i'm not working now, so if i went to any i'd spend way too much money. good luck with the new place.
I've never actually been to a strip club, the strippers came to us, we didn't have to go to them.
Tonight is my first night back to work in the ol' Crisis Unit since my hand surgery (I work awake overnights in a Crisis Unit... isn't that exciting/intertesting)... I am now officially typing with 1.8 hands (everything except for my right thumb as it was the operated upon piece o me). Some advice from me to everyone who doesn't knwo it already - keep your...
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that 9 and 3 thing is very important, i find it rediculous that they are only now requiring it to be taught in drivers ed. I read in a journal once of an mva where the driver's hand was severed by the impacting force.
I have just one thing to say- "Carbuncle" I'm not sure what it means. However, it is a whole lot of fun to say. Yep.