Things are finally improving with my hip. I can move around easier although it can be a bit tiring. I do have a problem with my shin on the same leg though, possible nerve damage caused by the way the nerves wrap around your leg, bummer! I'm going for a scan next month so at last I can finally find out what the hell is going on, it may lead to an operation and as far as I'm concerned right now they'll have to take me in kicking and screaming but I'll probably get talked round, I usually do over most things.
Apart from that there's nothing to tell, I've been pretty much housebound. I did manage to get to the cinema and see Monsters V Aliens with the kids but thanks to all the meds I'm on I fell asleep. Obviously not a good film then..LOL
Oh oh......I did see Mcfly on Wednesday in Oxford!!!! I was terrified of getting there, not seeing anything and all that jazz but it worked out perfectly. We were fourth row in the circle, the two women in front of us left after David Archalata(sp) finished and no-one else in the other seats stood up. Soooooo............I had a blast and a perfet view.........I'm gushing I know, but as I said, in 3 months I've been housebound, indulge me a little excitement.
I'll finish there I think.....for some reason my typing has become shite, this has taken ages.....
I'll love you and leave you and of course, take care one and all.
Things are finally improving with my hip. I can move around easier although it can be a bit tiring. I do have a problem with my shin on the same leg though, possible nerve damage caused by the way the nerves wrap around your leg, bummer! I'm going for a scan next month so at last I can finally find out what the hell is going on, it may lead to an operation and as far as I'm concerned right now they'll have to take me in kicking and screaming but I'll probably get talked round, I usually do over most things.
Apart from that there's nothing to tell, I've been pretty much housebound. I did manage to get to the cinema and see Monsters V Aliens with the kids but thanks to all the meds I'm on I fell asleep. Obviously not a good film then..LOL
Oh oh......I did see Mcfly on Wednesday in Oxford!!!! I was terrified of getting there, not seeing anything and all that jazz but it worked out perfectly. We were fourth row in the circle, the two women in front of us left after David Archalata(sp) finished and no-one else in the other seats stood up. Soooooo............I had a blast and a perfet view.........I'm gushing I know, but as I said, in 3 months I've been housebound, indulge me a little excitement.
I'll finish there I think.....for some reason my typing has become shite, this has taken ages.....

I'll love you and leave you and of course, take care one and all.

Glad you're feeling better and fingers crossed they'll be no need for an operation