it's taken to the ripe old age of 38 but i finally got the confidence to get a tattoo. WOOHOO!
someone special has given me the confidence to 'buck the system' and i'm doing it big time. i wonder what other trouble i can cause?!?!?!
i finally have my guardian angel on my shoulder and i'm going to call her jenny after the baby i had that died. she will be with me always now and i will treasure her. i think that she would have been a rebel like her mother and would appreciate the gesture.
take care.
someone special has given me the confidence to 'buck the system' and i'm doing it big time. i wonder what other trouble i can cause?!?!?!
i finally have my guardian angel on my shoulder and i'm going to call her jenny after the baby i had that died. she will be with me always now and i will treasure her. i think that she would have been a rebel like her mother and would appreciate the gesture.

take care.

Sweet! Rock the boat baby!! Never conform! Take it to the man! Booya!

It's good to see I'm not the only one who's all cynical and bitter, kudos on the new ink too. Been thinking about that myself but I think I'm a bit too much of a wuss really.