ohhh man I am super pissed off. This fucking bitch that I let stay with me for free for a few weeks just made a shitty move. Here's the story. So a lil while ago I let her stay with me if she helped me out and when she did NOTHING I told her to get out. she is 19 and used to always ask to borrow my license(i never let her) but anyway the night i kicked her out I lost my license and i thought I left it in a tow truck. I called the tow dude and he said he didnt see it. So I figured she stole it but I had no proof so I forgot about it. Well today I just found out she has been using it at bars and all over. She got pulled over the other day (i read in her online journal) but when she took the breath test she didnt have that much in her so they just followed her home, she used my license when she got pulled over. so now i have to file fraud and shit. I seriously want to beat her face in.....I have been through so much shit with this lic thing cause i have a dupe now...uggghhhhh why do I always have shitty shit happen? I never get anything out of it. Like when my apt got robbed cause my landlord gave new tenants my key before it was time to move out. I would sue accept I have no money too nor do I have the lease cause my Dickhead EX wont give it to me... I hate assholes uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh
Don't worry.. good mojo is on the way. Things can't stay bad forever.