Please tell me what the fuck is wrong with me. How come MAC wont fucking hire me. OK so I went to my 3rd interview for MAC at nordstrom and it was with the Manager of the counter and some head dude guy. Well they told me all about the everything and at the end said if we decide to go to the next process you will need to bring in a model to do a makeup application interview (thats cake) so they said they will call me if they want me. Well I know its only been a day but I have been going through interviews with them for like 3 weeks I need to work damnit. I have a bad feeling about the interview to. I have been like all depressed since yesterday. I just dont think I got it. I hate interviews why do they ask such stupid questions that I barely understand what they are talking about.
AHHHHH I just cant belive getting a job there is so hard. It really fucking sucks.
Im pissed now so I am just going to go drown myself in the tub.
later xox
AHHHHH I just cant belive getting a job there is so hard. It really fucking sucks.
Im pissed now so I am just going to go drown myself in the tub.
later xox
Tell me how it goes.