What a weekend!
My little brother came into town for a couple days. He just turned 21, so we went out to cheesy Indy bars together. I had to work at 7 the next morning so I went home early, and left him in the care of 11_11 and a couple of his roommates.
They took him to the titty bar.
I love my brother so much! He just thought it was hilarious because it was a bunch of nasty white-trash-cheap-strip-club Indiana strippers. I was kinda pissed because I didn't get to go along.
After sliding off the road and fucking up my car, I drove my mothers car into a mail box and fucked up her side mirror. This weather is fucking rediculous!
Of course this is the first time I have ever had a job where I work outside part of the day. I couldn't have started in the spring or anything, huh?
To balance out all the bad bullshit, I am house-sitting for the next 3 weeks!! I am going to be staying at my grandparents lovely abode, with their fancy shmancy little Bichon (she's sweet as hell though).
I am going to be working too much to enjoy it that much though. Whatever.. It will still be nice.

My little brother came into town for a couple days. He just turned 21, so we went out to cheesy Indy bars together. I had to work at 7 the next morning so I went home early, and left him in the care of 11_11 and a couple of his roommates.
They took him to the titty bar.

After sliding off the road and fucking up my car, I drove my mothers car into a mail box and fucked up her side mirror. This weather is fucking rediculous!

To balance out all the bad bullshit, I am house-sitting for the next 3 weeks!! I am going to be staying at my grandparents lovely abode, with their fancy shmancy little Bichon (she's sweet as hell though).
I am going to be working too much to enjoy it that much though. Whatever.. It will still be nice.

Hey, you are cute AND you messaged me. That makes you all right in my book
