What a day!!
It started out well. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge
Then tonight I went to see the Roots and Cody Chesnutt. The Roots always fucking impress me, and their show tonight was no exception. I swear that good, live hip-hop recharges me, and allows me to deal with the duldrums of my every day life.
. Cody Chesnutt supposedly got food poisoning and didn't play. That really sucks because he was a big reason for me to throw down 30 bucks on something I can't afford. He is the SHIT and I suggest everyone check him out.
I have to be at work in 5 hours and 30 some minutes, so this has to be a short entry. The dogs might have to deal with a hungover kennel assistant tomarrow..

Then tonight I went to see the Roots and Cody Chesnutt. The Roots always fucking impress me, and their show tonight was no exception. I swear that good, live hip-hop recharges me, and allows me to deal with the duldrums of my every day life.

I have to be at work in 5 hours and 30 some minutes, so this has to be a short entry. The dogs might have to deal with a hungover kennel assistant tomarrow..

Sorry about missing Mr. Chesnutt......he is the shit.
30 bucks......geez was it a big venue?