I need to gripe about work for a sec.
I LOVE hanging out with dogs all day, they are fucking great, but the people that own the kennel that I work at are a different story. First of all, I am not allowed to wear my tongue thingie at work and I think they are going to be pissed about the new, large, black tattoo on my forearm. This presents a problem because I have my tongue stretched to a 4 guague and when it's out for a few hours it's kinda painful to put back in. Secondly, I clean up shit all day long. That's not the (bulk of) problem though. The problem is that I have to call it "potty".
I am not 4. I know what it is. I know where it comes from. I feel like an idiot talking with grown adults about potty. I can understand not calling it shit, or crap. I would be fine with poop or poo, even doo-doo...... but potty?
Finally, these people are REALLY obsessive about rules... and enforcing them. For example, I am (for real) not allowed to smoke a cigarette until I reach the end of the long gravel driveway at the end of their property. Also, the radio MUST be tuned to the light rock station. Even though no right minded customer would be there at 7 o'clock in the god forsaken morning to (heven forbid) hear the NPR I like to listen to. (seriously i am really not kidding, i am an NPR junkie)
They are so rule-crazy that their children live by a point system, where the oldest child ( a 5 year-old boy) can stay up to 8:30 (!!!) if he has earned enough good behavior points.
I only know about this shit because they tell me.
+ I get paid SHIT.
Good thing I like dogs huh?
Um, a note to my friends... unless I get some positive feedback on the new profile pic, I am going to change it to some non-me bullshit. So if anyone wants to still see my boobs while the leave me a comment... I suggest they speak up.

I LOVE hanging out with dogs all day, they are fucking great, but the people that own the kennel that I work at are a different story. First of all, I am not allowed to wear my tongue thingie at work and I think they are going to be pissed about the new, large, black tattoo on my forearm. This presents a problem because I have my tongue stretched to a 4 guague and when it's out for a few hours it's kinda painful to put back in. Secondly, I clean up shit all day long. That's not the (bulk of) problem though. The problem is that I have to call it "potty".
I am not 4. I know what it is. I know where it comes from. I feel like an idiot talking with grown adults about potty. I can understand not calling it shit, or crap. I would be fine with poop or poo, even doo-doo...... but potty?
Finally, these people are REALLY obsessive about rules... and enforcing them. For example, I am (for real) not allowed to smoke a cigarette until I reach the end of the long gravel driveway at the end of their property. Also, the radio MUST be tuned to the light rock station. Even though no right minded customer would be there at 7 o'clock in the god forsaken morning to (heven forbid) hear the NPR I like to listen to. (seriously i am really not kidding, i am an NPR junkie)
They are so rule-crazy that their children live by a point system, where the oldest child ( a 5 year-old boy) can stay up to 8:30 (!!!) if he has earned enough good behavior points.

I only know about this shit because they tell me.

Good thing I like dogs huh?
Um, a note to my friends... unless I get some positive feedback on the new profile pic, I am going to change it to some non-me bullshit. So if anyone wants to still see my boobs while the leave me a comment... I suggest they speak up.

yeah your website link....
i'm gunna die.........
not really but still........