Whew! I am still recovering from that new suicide boy set from bkfreak. Yikes!!
I start my new job Tuesday, so let's hope they are ok with tatoos,
and that I am phisically strong enough to do the work. I always fancied myself a weakling, but I have grown some arm muscles from lifting trays in restaurants, so hopefully I'll be O.K. Went to the Pacers game last night with 11_11. It was great! I brought an old friend with me and he kept buying me drinks. We got drizz-unk and this lady in the next section over kept staring at us for literally minutes at a time. We had a lovely time putting on a show for her and checking out some nice mullets...oh, and I think there was a basketball game going on or something.
Ryguy just came out of the bathroom and said, "my bootie just exploded and I had a little diarrhea too"
I am not making this shit up....

Ryguy just came out of the bathroom and said, "my bootie just exploded and I had a little diarrhea too"

haha yeah well maybe I can email you personal pics then haha cause I ain't postin them here for free haha 

its latvia. i has/am too drunk to type right now.