Yea! I got the job at the kennel and I will be working with dogs now. No more cranky, in-a-hurry business assholes!
I will have to record amounts of, and clean up shit, but I have done it before and I like dog shit more than some business people.
For all my local friends: I started an SGIndy group, so you guys shoud join so we can all meet and hang out. I know alot of you individually, but hell, we're in Indiana for godssake, we need to stick together and be friends in this hostile republican land.
So go there and proudly declare your midwesterness!
angry chicken
kills the
and makes the
with horror
sorry, i am such a dork!

sorry, i am such a dork!

haha ok, maybe I'll post some pics soon 

haha I just checked out the guidelines and it says I gotta start out clothed then end up nekkid haha, no way haha. I'll need some money for that haha