Other than my experience with 11_11 making me sleep next to his heating vent, all of my male related problems have been shitty and hurtful. Sometimes 11_11 and attackbanana are the only ones that help me keep the faith in the dumber sex. (just kidding, really)
I am trying to get a "real" job (aka not waiting tables) and I think I might get to work at a fancy dog boarding place. This would be awesome because I have experience working at the dog pound in Cincinnatti, and at some grooming places here, and I totally enjoy the company of dogs. Also, I wouldn't have to pretend to like the people I serve in hopes that they will give me a whopping 15% tip. Argh! All my journals sound like I am so digruntled! Swear I'm not!!
and add a dash of
for no particular reason!

that's actually not a picture of me in my profile. it's a photo of my father, edward teach.
i am just a wannabe pirate, he was the real deal glockespiel.