Christ almighty!
Do I need to get attackbanana to take another pseudo-sexy picture of me?
Is a picture of my legs (and dogs) four years ago not enough to illicit a response???
What the fuck?
I am just cranky, and my real-life world is sucking enough that I need to get back into my not-so-real-life world (aka what I am doing here and now), and since I have been neglecting the site, no one here cares about me any more, and, and, and...... I am just going to end it all.... NO! Don't stop me! I am quitting.,. quitting the site fooooorrrrreeevvverrrrrr.
God, I am a dork.
Do I need to get attackbanana to take another pseudo-sexy picture of me?
Is a picture of my legs (and dogs) four years ago not enough to illicit a response???
What the fuck?
I am just cranky, and my real-life world is sucking enough that I need to get back into my not-so-real-life world (aka what I am doing here and now), and since I have been neglecting the site, no one here cares about me any more, and, and, and...... I am just going to end it all.... NO! Don't stop me! I am quitting.,. quitting the site fooooorrrrreeevvverrrrrr.
God, I am a dork.

oh yeah, he did the pinup on ryguy if you've seen that.
dorks are greatly welcomed.