I promise I will start writing in my journal more!!
I finally got a job. I actulally have two job offers. Both at Vet's offices, but it sucks because the one that I really want to work at pays less and doesn't have benifits. I've gotta do, what I've gotta do though, huh?
I am still boy-less, which was nice for a while but it definitly is getting old.
I start my human sexuality class today, which should be interesting. I fancy myself quite well informed in that subject so I hope I'll get an "A". My life is so god-damned boring! Bleh!
I finally got a job. I actulally have two job offers. Both at Vet's offices, but it sucks because the one that I really want to work at pays less and doesn't have benifits. I've gotta do, what I've gotta do though, huh?
I am still boy-less, which was nice for a while but it definitly is getting old.

merf...your alive eh...well erm..i don't know in this day an age it's goo to have benifits