Wow! I haven't checked out my "groups" section in a while. I must have done some drunk joining at some point a few months ago. I haven't lived in Indianapolis for almost two years and have never been an SG hopeful or plus sized. I need to update my picture. . . bad! I was kissing a rescued dog at the SPCA in Cincinatti that I was spiffy-ing up for adoption. I just love that grey face that dogs get when they are old. I have more tattoos and longer hair, but I guess I still look about the same. I am moving to a new house soon and will finally have constant internet access again so I can update my shit. I'll get some recent stuff up soon. Only a few days until I visit home and pick up my old car. I need to pretend it's Thanksgiving and Christmas while I am there so I don't feel so shitty when I am actually working doubles on both holidays. Woe is me!
I piss myself off when I feel sorry for myself. (rolls eyes at self.....repeatedly)
ps. someone needs to take my computer away once I have been drinking.

ps. someone needs to take my computer away once I have been drinking.

Come on a tuesday after 4. That's when I work.
Hey Neighbor !!