It's a beautiful day.
People hurrying, scurrying,
gotta get to where they're going.
Hurry hurry. 8 to 5.
come home, cook dinner.
No time to play with the kids. Lotsa homework.
Gotta get into that college.
Too tired to fuck your man? Don't worry, someone else will.
This kind of life just isn't for me.
No fucking way.
Now that would be a cold day in hell.
People hurrying, scurrying,
gotta get to where they're going.
Hurry hurry. 8 to 5.
come home, cook dinner.
No time to play with the kids. Lotsa homework.
Gotta get into that college.
Too tired to fuck your man? Don't worry, someone else will.
This kind of life just isn't for me.
No fucking way.
Now that would be a cold day in hell.
too tired for a screw!? might as well just end it now
Not here; it's gross and rainy!