Just put new mattress on my bed, lay down to test.......goodnight all hahaha
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 20, 2009
Awesome music vid, great cover too, much better than the original, th… -
Monday Oct 19, 2009
Just put new mattress on my bed, lay down to test.......goodnight all… -
Thursday Oct 15, 2009
Just studying for my MBA Finance Assessment, its a tough cookie cos I… -
Monday Oct 12, 2009
Off to mow the lawn and then clean bathroom, cook dinner. Then have … -
Monday Oct 05, 2009
I finished upgrading home network, new modem router, ethernet solutio… -
Friday Oct 02, 2009
The weekend at last. I am glad, work has been a bitch, but now I can … -
Thursday Oct 01, 2009
Off to the gym once I finish work, but I am sooo trying to get things… -
Wednesday Sep 30, 2009
Golf was fun, I didnt win but did not expect too lol, I am not very g… -
Tuesday Sep 29, 2009
Just back from the gym, man I am soooo tired out, cycled home and jus… -
Monday Sep 28, 2009
Damn Mondays......work work work....
The new one is just a silent night and it seems more solid, so hopefully it will help me with my recent sleep problem, with exams this and next week, sleep is so important.
So hows it going, what you been up to?