Thanks to a few amazing and interesting people (Thelabrat & Vivid among them) - I've been trying out a few simple Cosplay ideas. Costume creation is appealing, so I'm just trying out some basic stuff first - currently attempting to create Major Kusanagi's top (Ghost in the Shell). I'll post a photo if I get a decent version made. The stitching on my first attempt was garbage so I'm re-making it.
For my first, I raided a military supply store to become Tank Girl. I ended up with a grenade on an impulse buy... which I lost during some drunken Halloween festivities. And I pretty much want to wear the helmet all the time. (Sometimes I could use one.)
My most recent was Jubilee from X-men. Pretty much found the coolest belt buckle ever.
Follow more of my adventures on instagram or twitter @ CivilHeathen