I was recently told to stop making "emo posts" - to which I respond Fuck You. I don't require anyone to read my words and don't mind being unfollowed by people who are disinterested in the topic. I'm here for me, not a popularity contest. Since severe depression, anxiety, and other symptoms plague my everyday existence, I sometimes feel the need to speak up - share posts to help anyone who may be suffering like me or hell even just to vent. I'd rather spew my toxic thoughts to a world that may not even be listening than bottle it up until it bursts out in a less favorable fashion.
Suicides and mass shootings happen because of this belief in our society that we should remain silent instead of seeking help. If you are fortunate enough not to be effected by mental health problems, at least have the heart to understand that other people are and have the right to be open about it. You don't have to offer a helping hand, most people don't. Just politely unfollow and go about your apathetic existence.
For those of you that do care, thank you. Decent people are few and far between, especially so when you are dealing with an illness no one can see and few can understand. For those of you who are like me, don't let anyone silence you. If they don't want to hear it, I say scream it until their ears bleed.
Depression is an illness, not a weakness.