Ok here's the latest in my pathic life, it seems like my dog has a leg injury, she just limps around and really doesn't want to put any weight on her leg so to the vet this afternoon. My daughter started college today and she's really bummed out that she didn't go to a university out of state. She says that it seems like a continuation of high school so maybe next year she will be traveling. Oh on some good news my company just landed another good size job, so thats cool. Oh and i've made a new friend here on SG and its off to vegas in a few days.
new friends rock! Sorry about your dog - I hope she's okay...What kind is she? Good for your daughter starting college...My son is starting 7th grade...EEEK! So, no travelling for him (unless he runs away to join the circus - maybe I should call and ask if they'll take him?) Anyway, same shite for me, just on a Monday...
how's the dog? hope she's feeling better...you need to post pics of her! hope you are having a good day. NY is awesome - I haven't been in a few years - Boston is nice in the fall - even better when you hit the line between MA and NY - lots of trees and "natural shite" - I'm an ocean person - tress - ehh....Not so mcuh!