so am i really stupid and the sg site just keeps renewing my account to keep me hooked or does someone actually keep paying for me to be back on here?...hmmm thump thump... x O x
mmmnnwwwaaaarrrrggghhhhh sometimes life seems endlessly frustrating!!! how are u today? would u like to come over 4 tea?

im ok today and you....thanks for the comment hun

when grasping and clinging are released in our hearts our nature is revealed as naturaly luminous and radiant and when we give naturaly of ourselves from this space we realise the freedom,happiness and joy that it radiates are alive in its carefree abandon! Gorgeousness shines when people embody this radiance which is present in us all! This is the spirit of real beauty.....
in my...
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in my...
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Hahaha I love Jo Brand!! And I dont like Johnny Depp at all
Theres that book coming out soon about the woman who became a man for a year, that should be really interesting.
Hehe people always have wet fun in Brighton
And Im hoping to be an animal behaviourist one day
How about you?

Theres that book coming out soon about the woman who became a man for a year, that should be really interesting.
Hehe people always have wet fun in Brighton

And Im hoping to be an animal behaviourist one day

How about you?
its a bit self indulgent but i've put a new folder of pics up(there are too many!) documenting my move from beardy wierdy captain caveman, to one sideburned wierdy nude exhibitionist! it was fun taking them-thinking of doing a set for suicide boys!? x

Oh and I havent done that work yet

What an excellently sincere message you sent me. Thank you so very much
hey girls,hey boys,suicide peoplez-hair we go!
a heartthump is a big thump of love straight from the heart that fills the recipient with unimaginable bliss, joy and happyness; an overwhelming feeling of wellbeing and satisfaction, and a passionate desire to spread the feeling outward like an infectious fever to all existing lifeforms wherever and however they exist within infinity!
a heartthump is also a wake up call to all that is...
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a heartthump is also a wake up call to all that is...
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The weather in Brighton is lush at the moment, sun and everything, but its been going gaga recently so I'm not promicing you anything Im afraid!!
The weather in Brighton is lush at the moment, sun and everything, but its been going gaga recently so I'm not promicing you anything Im afraid!!

The best Debussy? Well I don't know if it's the best, but I love listening to his First Arabesque, and also Mazurka, and Suite bergamasque.... actually, I just love all of his piano music! 

hairy,scary,hot and steamy
hey you say hello! x
I used to stude. I graduated in 2003 but haven't managed to leave the area yet. I am stagnating. I want to move away from Birmingham altogether when my current lease is up, but I'm afraid that it is me, and not the area I live in, that is the problem and that wherever I go I still won't be content!
I have been out of bed for a while, thankyou. I started a new job on Monday. And I quit today.
But I still had to get out of bed in order to ring my employment agency and get the inevitable roasting. So, I am back to having nought to do but write stories, and the bank's offered me a new loan at a lower interest rate than my current one, so life feels much better today.
I have been out of bed for a while, thankyou. I started a new job on Monday. And I quit today.

im a gemini and when i get talking about me it all seems to go off infinately in all directions.
I'm a Capricorn. We don't get on. ;-)
I hear it's going to get even colder the next few weeks. No!
hehe thank you for the offer, we already have life models though
onto photography now..though we're not allowed to have any nakedness...despite it being a human figure project. strange.
anyway. shall stop rambling. hope your week is fine and dandy.

onto photography now..though we're not allowed to have any nakedness...despite it being a human figure project. strange.
anyway. shall stop rambling. hope your week is fine and dandy.