So I never get online anymore...but I did here's my update.
Excited about-new Green Day cd and Voodoo Fest.
Stressed out about-school and the fact that I'm not giong. hehe.
Also excited about-getting my calf tattooed.
Also stressed about-where I want to work and the fact that I'm not. Working.
And finally, excited about-being online. I had like 400 emails. I am one popular...
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Excited about-new Green Day cd and Voodoo Fest.
Stressed out about-school and the fact that I'm not giong. hehe.
Also excited about-getting my calf tattooed.
Also stressed about-where I want to work and the fact that I'm not. Working.
And finally, excited about-being online. I had like 400 emails. I am one popular...
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Sorry I've been gone so long everyone...I've been super busy moving in and everything...but I've got my internet set up now so I'll be around a lot more often. I gotta go clean up the place...some friends of mine are coming from Huntsville for Citystages...Chris Robinson tomorrow night! How hard is it to explain to a super famous rockstar that I'm way more in love...
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you have Blondie listed as one of your favorite bands...
hence, you should join the SUICIDE GIRLS BLONDIE GROUP
hence, you should join the SUICIDE GIRLS BLONDIE GROUP
hi! ooh , velvet underground fan, huh? you should go to my page and go to 'see more of my pics' and under 'me pics', you will find the most amazing thing ever.

So I'm leaving for the weekend again...when is this going to end...I'm so tired of going back and forth.
Jeff, if you read this, I'm coming in next week sometime to get my tat touched up. We didn't cross a t and I'm missing a period. But I would have thrown up if I would have laid there any longer.
It looks awesome, by the...
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Jeff, if you read this, I'm coming in next week sometime to get my tat touched up. We didn't cross a t and I'm missing a period. But I would have thrown up if I would have laid there any longer.
It looks awesome, by the...
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I saw your pics on sghopefuls. are ya gonna do it?
They were super lovely!
You would be a perfect sg!
oh, and I like you with the bangs!!
just thought I'd share.
They were super lovely!

You would be a perfect sg!
oh, and I like you with the bangs!!

just thought I'd share.

something nice: i come back here every once in a while to look at your phoenix and your beautiful body. you're one of the most astounding woman in the thousands on this site.
Sorry I haven't been around much, you guys. My computer's been out of commission for the past week.
Anyways, I'm just finishing up some homework and I'm about to go attempt to have some quality friend-hanging-out-with time before I gotta go to Bham. I really do miss my friends...I hope they don't just think I'm ignoring them.
Listening to-Tahiti80 and Britney Spears
My hair is...
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Anyways, I'm just finishing up some homework and I'm about to go attempt to have some quality friend-hanging-out-with time before I gotta go to Bham. I really do miss my friends...I hope they don't just think I'm ignoring them.
Listening to-Tahiti80 and Britney Spears
My hair is...
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"Listening to-Tahiti80 and Britney Spears"
At the same time?!?
At the same time?!?

disreguard... : )
[Edited on May 16, 2004 7:47PM]
[Edited on May 16, 2004 7:47PM]
Got a new tat last night...I know everyone's heard the Smashing Pumpkins...I got "Today is the greatest day I have ever known." On my left side, right on the ribcage, in red ink...the "T" in today is out of this art nouveau book they had at the shop...there's two little angels sitting on both sides and their wings make up the cross on...
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Lets see some pics! Unless they are already up and i am just too retarded to look....
I heard ribcage is the most painful..I was thinking of getting a huge one on my ribcage and making it the last tattoo I get......
And smashing pumpkins ruled...that was the first song I ever heard by them. Do you like Zwan?

I heard ribcage is the most painful..I was thinking of getting a huge one on my ribcage and making it the last tattoo I get......
And smashing pumpkins ruled...that was the first song I ever heard by them. Do you like Zwan?

I went to the smoke shop today and asked for Camel Turkish Gold, they gave me Royals. You came to mind.
Oh man I just read DRE's interview with Maja from The Sounds...that girl kicks ass...I ended up hanging out with the guys in the band after a show in Atlanta one main goal was to meet her but she never appeared...we ended up drinking at the hotel bar, then watching tv upstairs...Felix was shocked that we have soft core porn on tv...all the guys...
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whatchoo be up to?
This jezebel is bleeding from a place
That can never ever be replaced.
I'm thinking of getting this tattooed on somewhere that none of the guys from northstar will ever see it. That would just be embarassing.
But Nick does write such good lyrics.
I've been drawing on myself all night and I really like how my constellation looks drawn on like, the crook...
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That can never ever be replaced.
I'm thinking of getting this tattooed on somewhere that none of the guys from northstar will ever see it. That would just be embarassing.
But Nick does write such good lyrics.
I've been drawing on myself all night and I really like how my constellation looks drawn on like, the crook...
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Hey, I saw your picture on IBT and couldn't help but tell you how awesome your phoenix tattoo is.

wow. I stumbled upon your journal. Your beautiful

So it's 6 am and I have a kidney infection and I've been awake now for about an hour...just watching YuGiOh and wishing I could take a really hot bath without waking everyone else up. Went to a Northstar show in Nashville last night...I truly detest Nashville kids, they all just stand there with their arms crossed and look indie. Only not really, cause they...
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awww doll... Take care of yourself!!
I was thisclose to forgiving my dad the other day...and now I hear all this new shit he's said about me and how he's no longer going to financially support me (although he still claims me on his tax forms) etc, blah blah blah...I just want him to know that...
He will never come to my wedding.
I will never have any contact (that he...
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He will never come to my wedding.
I will never have any contact (that he...
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I've been thinking a lot lately about moving away this's going to be so nice to be able to pick my friends instead of having them pick know how you grow up with some people, and even when you have nothing in common anymore you're still kind of obligated to be friends? Or you were involved in some situation and you end up...
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yeah, i'm totally excited to......haha, i really have nothing to say here, i talk to you enough anyway......well, that is, when......we know who "___________" isnt around....
Im you're hott! Ya...xoxoxox
[Edited on Dec 31, 2004 2:10PM]
So I'm sitting in class today and my mind is wandering to everywhere from the origin of the new and most popular culprit in poor health,"trans-fat" to why it is so hard for some people to realize that they should just make like lemmings... Anyways, I was also thinking of saying hello to my fellow SG peeps I have been removed from this past month, so HI!
As I am trying to expand my already gigantic library of music, I freely commission you to leave me the name of a band and/or a song or an album for me to check out. I would greatly appreciate it. Please no metal unless it's pre 1980. Thank you my friends.
PS ===> this is for all who have no idea what a MERKIN is... Enjoy!