I'm struggling to write my final essays. I have to get them done before I go to PAX. School starts after PAX. I can't have this work overlapping with next semester, I CANT! Guh! Why can't I concentrate!
I'm all moved into my new place. There are still things I need, but theyre aren't super important so I'm making out with out them just fine....
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I'm all moved into my new place. There are still things I need, but theyre aren't super important so I'm making out with out them just fine....
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PAX is the Penny Arcade Expo. Its for Video/Tabletop gamers, Web comic enthusiasts and overall nerds.. it's going to be soooo rad!
Good luck with the essays! PAX FTW 

some really nice person reactivated my account for me.
some really nice person reactivated my account for me.

hi :3
Welcome back lil miss awesome~!

this weekend was sooo much fun.
I wore contacts for the first time ever.. I don't know why I didn't get some sooner.. sometimes it's sooo nice to not have to wear glasses. and now I can wear sunglasses!!!
went to vancouver for a friends stagette. enjoyed kits beach. got to walk down to granville island. actually wore flip flops for once in my life...
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I wore contacts for the first time ever.. I don't know why I didn't get some sooner.. sometimes it's sooo nice to not have to wear glasses. and now I can wear sunglasses!!!
went to vancouver for a friends stagette. enjoyed kits beach. got to walk down to granville island. actually wore flip flops for once in my life...
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math final = buh. i dont think i did very well at all. oh well. i stopped caring i think.. i hate math and i will always hate math.
thats all.
just hating math.
math hater.
thats all.
just hating math.
math hater.
fair on the math issue.
my intentions didn't do so well.
redoing for this week.
my intentions didn't do so well.
redoing for this week.
So far I'm doing better this week then last.
We'll see how it all ends up.
But ya, it's baby steps right now.
Kinda need those steps.
We'll see how it all ends up.
But ya, it's baby steps right now.
Kinda need those steps.
Yeaaah.. Last night we saw street dogs and sound city hooligans.. it was awesome. we got there a bit late and missed the cheats.. but i don't feel too bad about that.. i get to see them play fairly often.
so, street dogs rocked the dirty jersey so hard. they were so nice to everyone who was there. I was actually hoping there would be...
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so, street dogs rocked the dirty jersey so hard. they were so nice to everyone who was there. I was actually hoping there would be...
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YES cactus jacks! ... it was ridiculously drunkenly fun!! Kamloops is interesting... I've never been before.
i also learned how to two step! but i can't remember how either! i just drunkly followed the lead hahaah. and then made out with some cute kamloops boys.
I'm going to FINISH my judge dredd drawing this weekend.. im going to get new brushes for inking it. It will be amazing. I will stay up all night if I have to. I need to finish something. I'm drawing Satanus in the background.. dinosaurs are epic but fucking hard to draw ! So once I finish this drawing and hopefully it will look decent.....
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random adventures are the best.
i have a feeling there are going to be a lot this summer, considering the amount that have already taken place.
i have a feeling there are going to be a lot this summer, considering the amount that have already taken place.
they are the best. where i live there are bluffs and a couple of random cemeterys to go adventuring in!
Uhg. math quiz i wasn't prepared for. but I probably did ok. (ok being < how i wanted to do). sigh
I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
how 'bout them canucks. after chicago scored for the 7th time, the look on their poor swedish faces.. broke my heart. I'm not too broken up about it though, I'm an Oilers fan. haha
aaaand.. now I'm off...
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I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
how 'bout them canucks. after chicago scored for the 7th time, the look on their poor swedish faces.. broke my heart. I'm not too broken up about it though, I'm an Oilers fan. haha
aaaand.. now I'm off...
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what did you end up drawing?
: )
: )
SO I added a photo album of some drawings I did. I'm on deviantart ( leucothea.deviantart.com ) but I rarely update. My sketch book lately is lacking. I'm working on a drawing of Judge Dredd for a friend of mine that I've kind of owed him for about 3 or 4 years and I just haven't gotten around to it. In all honesty I'm not...
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fell asleep on the beach.
also burned the tops of my feets.
the neck is the last spot thats having any issues.
thank god.
yesterday I was useless.
also burned the tops of my feets.
the neck is the last spot thats having any issues.
thank god.
yesterday I was useless.
*thumbs up for us*
Today is rainy, rather nice, miss the rain.
Should go out shortly, and hit up some job recruiters.
Today is rainy, rather nice, miss the rain.
Should go out shortly, and hit up some job recruiters.
Lovely stuff Ma'am! x x r
I draw sometimes..
Tell me about the Aristotle.
You typed defiantly. That's fantastic. If ya think about it.
yaaa... made the stretch to 3/4s! I wanted to go to an inch.. but I dunno.. 3/4's is pretty big for me. I'm working on the 2nd ear. The first one bled when I pushed it through.. so I'm trying to be gentle. I'm just really impatient I guess.
Once theyre healed and not so swollen I'm going to switch the acrylic ones out for...
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Hah absolutely. I've known Kari since... grade 10 or 11... many moons ago! =) Nice to see another Kamloopsian. =)
Well at least it was an alright day to have taken the long way home. heh. It was at the Harley Davidson shop, the interview went well I thought. It would be soooo sweet to work there. =D
Thanks! My kitteh is usually a little more sociable, but when she's staring at the birds outside, thats all she really cares about...
Thanks! My kitteh is usually a little more sociable, but when she's staring at the birds outside, thats all she really cares about...