"I hope it's gonna make you notice, someone like me."
I have this current infatuation with Kings of Leon. I've never really liked them before I heard their new album. But I'm thoroughly enjoying my few hours before work listening to it on repeat. Kinda makes me feel nice on the insides.
In completely unrelated news:
I'm buying a car. I recieved a rather large tax return and I was approved for a loan, so I'm rather sorted at the moment. I'm straightening out, trying to calm my thoughts. My life is still full of complications but I'm more centred of late then I think I have ever been.
"... & she makes me sick. But I wont let this build up inside of me." -- I love you. Yes, you.

I have this current infatuation with Kings of Leon. I've never really liked them before I heard their new album. But I'm thoroughly enjoying my few hours before work listening to it on repeat. Kinda makes me feel nice on the insides.
In completely unrelated news:
I'm buying a car. I recieved a rather large tax return and I was approved for a loan, so I'm rather sorted at the moment. I'm straightening out, trying to calm my thoughts. My life is still full of complications but I'm more centred of late then I think I have ever been.
"... & she makes me sick. But I wont let this build up inside of me." -- I love you. Yes, you.
Might have to track some down.
Oh! Actually ... any chance you could bring some over on the Sunday?? That'd be super lovely if you could
Yay for new Cars..i can't wait to buy a new car but i love the one i have now. Ill let it die b4 i go and splurge on something shmick!Plus i can run up gutters and such in my car and it doesnt really matter!