Hi everybody,
I know I look like a ghost sometimes here, but actually I'm checking almost everyday.
There are a lot of things coming to my mind, my life is a true mess.
I am without work since October, and even if I'm sending lots of cv or bringing them phisically, still can't find a job.
This is making me feel so bad. I'm exhausted and I'm actually giving up.
I got dumped almost a month ago and still can't figure out what's fucking wrong with me, cause at this point the problem is only mine.
He's strange, he told me some lies, like he wasn't home, and couldn't reach anyone, but I know he was home. For sure. He told me that he took drugs and figured out he couldn't be my boyfriend.
I never had drugs, or got drunk or smoke in my life, but I know for sure, drugs don't let you see things clearer.
Btw I wasn't in love, it was lil time we were going out together, but I liked him, and when I was with him I felt better.
And since I was already feeling shit before him, now things are pretty insane here in Teena land.
Things are going pretty shitty even in family, and I truly don't know what to think.
Anyway, coming back to sg things:
I don't know why my ig pics with the right hashtag are not here on my profile, really can't figure it out. So if you want to see go to my Instagram @teenarancore and follow me 💕
I would like to shoot with @minuminula and @fishball, but as I told before I'm without a job, so I guess we must wait some more.
I really would like to give you a great set that could be a SOTD.
I didn't really understood how some of us "hopeful" are not official, some like @lagoona or @vanth , you beautiful girls 💕
Lots of things, sorry if I wrote this randomly and maybe not really clearly.
I didn't practice english that much lately.
Have a nice day 💕🦄🌈