Okay. Two more finals to go. One tomorrow, one Thursday. Then I have a whole month without schoolwork. I'm so fucking excited.
My winter break is already looking pretty exciting. This Sunday is a GWAR show at The Silo and I'm going to get completely covered in fake blood, and it's going to be sexy.
streetmuse is coming in exactly two weeks. I'm kind of freaking out with joy.
Blah blah blah. Oh, I'm buying a digital camera tomorrow. There's some crazy sale at Bon-Ton and my mom is a senior citizen by their standards, so it'll only cost me $63 or so, marked down from $180. Sweet.
My winter break is already looking pretty exciting. This Sunday is a GWAR show at The Silo and I'm going to get completely covered in fake blood, and it's going to be sexy.
streetmuse is coming in exactly two weeks. I'm kind of freaking out with joy.
Blah blah blah. Oh, I'm buying a digital camera tomorrow. There's some crazy sale at Bon-Ton and my mom is a senior citizen by their standards, so it'll only cost me $63 or so, marked down from $180. Sweet.

I need also holidays.

Good look with the finals, Have organization theory on friday. Scheiss! Most boring shit ever...