My baby brother always pull through for me. Every time Mom's mad at me, he manages to fuck up really badly and bump me back into the favorite spot. This morning Mom decided she was going to wake me up at 7:30 to bag leaves since I was out drinking two nights in a row. Cute. So, much to her dismay, I jumped out of bed singing and ran out the door, bagging leaves faster than anyone ever has before. This made her even more cranky, and that's when I pointed out that my 17 year old brother left his windows down and it was starting to rain. She decided to go put his windows up for him and upon opening his car door, she found two bottles of vodka, a bag of weed, a bowl packed full of weed, empty beer cans and a ton of empty soda bottles and cans and food wrappers. Suddenly Mom loves me and she's really grateful for all my help.

I knew you were the angel of the family.