I'm all set to wander up to MA for two weeks and stay with streetmuse. Should be fun. I like the idea of being in a place where I only know one other person. I only have to worry about what I'm going to do while she's at work and doing her Muffin-things.
I like to wait until my boyfriend comes home to start my homework that takes me about two hours and then yell at him for distracting me from my work. I don't know why, but it always ends that way.
I'm sort of thinking about going to bed now and waking up at 7 to do this assignment. Hmm.
Someone ought to buy me food, I ate almost a whole can of corn for dinner.
And while you're at the market, pick up some fruity liquor for me. Something my boyfriend would be embarassed to drink. Otherwise it'll only last a few hours.
My apartment's all clean with the exception of our messy bedroom. The clothing on the floor has been kicked into two major piles, and that's enough work for now.
I think eating such a massive amount of corn for dinner upset my tummy. Time to go lie down.
I like to wait until my boyfriend comes home to start my homework that takes me about two hours and then yell at him for distracting me from my work. I don't know why, but it always ends that way.
I'm sort of thinking about going to bed now and waking up at 7 to do this assignment. Hmm.
Someone ought to buy me food, I ate almost a whole can of corn for dinner.

And while you're at the market, pick up some fruity liquor for me. Something my boyfriend would be embarassed to drink. Otherwise it'll only last a few hours.
My apartment's all clean with the exception of our messy bedroom. The clothing on the floor has been kicked into two major piles, and that's enough work for now.
I think eating such a massive amount of corn for dinner upset my tummy. Time to go lie down.
I better go to the store. Peach Schnapps or Apricot Brandy?