Help Sorry II
Just want to shout out to my band mates, sorry I couldn't attend tonight, but I'll be there next week.
Auto Show
It's that time of year. Autoshow time. The most jolliest, splendiferous time of year. That's why all are invited to the Edmonton International Auto Show put on by EMDA tomorrow evening (that's friday), we'll be there around 7:30pm handing out prizes. And by that I mean we'll be there at 7:30pm just looking at cars, and I'll be collecting 100 brochures.
Trade Lowe
And if you're an Edmontonian by now you know the horrors of what $200,000 can do. That amount can make an entire city pissed off at you. Although most have stated it's not Lowe's fault. And I'd have to agree. They were willing to give a 31 year old a 5 year contract of $5.4 million a year, even in his last year. Not a lot of players make $5.4 million at 36, if they're still in the league. Bottom line, Ryan's agent should have bent. What I am mad at Lowe for is he keeps trading for underskilled forwards. How many goals does Lupul have? Well I guess we needed something for Pronger. Aside from that, how many goals does Hemsky have. That's right, nine on the season. This guy should be a 30+ goal/season scorer. We have a lot of useless forwards and no defenseman. In our last three games we were, what, outscored like 10-3 or something rediculous like that? It's just unfortunate, because where most of Edmonton saw a clear run at the playoffs, and a few weeks ago probably thought Lowe would be trading for some skilled defenseman, and a few power goal scoring forwards for the playoff run, we begin whoring out our players like Marc-Andre Bergeron and Ryan Smyth, the lifer. Smyth will not find a team that will be willing to meet his 5.6 million for 5 year contract. He's too old, even if he does score 30 goals or so per season. The chance he will end up back here? Who knows, yes there's that chance. No one wants to look like the bad guy. But imagine a guy bails on your team over a matter of $200,000 on a multi-million dollar multi year contract, and then, in a few months, when he's a free agent, comes back to you and goes, "so uh, that offer you had for me was pretty good, think we can work that." Would you be convinced to take him back? You'd probably want to give him the big foam finger.
Yes, the Edmonton Oilers history is the history of excellent, championships, and trading away our best players because they've gotten too greedy.
Just want to shout out to my band mates, sorry I couldn't attend tonight, but I'll be there next week.
Auto Show
It's that time of year. Autoshow time. The most jolliest, splendiferous time of year. That's why all are invited to the Edmonton International Auto Show put on by EMDA tomorrow evening (that's friday), we'll be there around 7:30pm handing out prizes. And by that I mean we'll be there at 7:30pm just looking at cars, and I'll be collecting 100 brochures.
Trade Lowe
And if you're an Edmontonian by now you know the horrors of what $200,000 can do. That amount can make an entire city pissed off at you. Although most have stated it's not Lowe's fault. And I'd have to agree. They were willing to give a 31 year old a 5 year contract of $5.4 million a year, even in his last year. Not a lot of players make $5.4 million at 36, if they're still in the league. Bottom line, Ryan's agent should have bent. What I am mad at Lowe for is he keeps trading for underskilled forwards. How many goals does Lupul have? Well I guess we needed something for Pronger. Aside from that, how many goals does Hemsky have. That's right, nine on the season. This guy should be a 30+ goal/season scorer. We have a lot of useless forwards and no defenseman. In our last three games we were, what, outscored like 10-3 or something rediculous like that? It's just unfortunate, because where most of Edmonton saw a clear run at the playoffs, and a few weeks ago probably thought Lowe would be trading for some skilled defenseman, and a few power goal scoring forwards for the playoff run, we begin whoring out our players like Marc-Andre Bergeron and Ryan Smyth, the lifer. Smyth will not find a team that will be willing to meet his 5.6 million for 5 year contract. He's too old, even if he does score 30 goals or so per season. The chance he will end up back here? Who knows, yes there's that chance. No one wants to look like the bad guy. But imagine a guy bails on your team over a matter of $200,000 on a multi-million dollar multi year contract, and then, in a few months, when he's a free agent, comes back to you and goes, "so uh, that offer you had for me was pretty good, think we can work that." Would you be convinced to take him back? You'd probably want to give him the big foam finger.
Yes, the Edmonton Oilers history is the history of excellent, championships, and trading away our best players because they've gotten too greedy.