UPDATE Thursday, Oct 12, yours truly will be back in the Gateway. That's right. I have the best editor. Basically, he just ran my article, no questions asked. That doesn't mean that they never take any liberties themselves. So it may not be exactly what I wrote, but it'll be probably 99% what I wrote, and that's as good as any. So pick up your issue on campus for free on Thursday. I love getting in the thursday issues because that means you're in there thursday, friday, the weekend, monday, part of tuesday. Way more coverage being run in the thursay issue.
Take The Fucking Quiz
Holy shit, I love these. So basically this will give you all a little challenge, and it gives you the answers, so if you fuck up...well, at least you'll learn something.
I've given you the option of copy and pasting the url into your browser, or trying the link.
How Well Do You Know Ryan: I Beginner
or try:
Quiz I; Beginner
This one is suitable if you've just met me or know me only over the site. Most of the answers are in my profile.
How Well Do You Know Ryan: II Intermediate
or try
Quiz II; Intermediate
This one is for those that know me a little bit more, maybe in person, or you've talked to me over the site a little bit.
How Well Do You Know Ryan: III Advanced
or try
Quiz III: Advanced
If you know me in person, and have really been paying attention, I didn't make this totally impossible. If you're smart you should be able to get some of them just from paying attention to crap I talk about, or just knowing things about the certain subjects I go on about.
NOTE: Please use your username when you're putting in your name, and your actual e-mail address. No one will actually see your e-mail address, but if you don't put in your actual e-mail address, you nor I will get the results of your quiz.
Also: If you so desire, post your scores below...
In Other News
I'm going to let this one float on for a while so that people can try their hand.
I probably won't be posting again for a while this week, seeing as how I have to be at school tomorrow until 5, then later at 9 i pick dasha up from her late class. Wednesday I have Choir and Karaoke, which I probably won't be able to stay very long for due to the fact that on Thursday I have a midterm, as well as Friday, I also have a midterm.
What You Can Look Forward To
-my new fender and headlights are on the way, and when they're installed I'll have updated pictures of the neon project as it stands
-I will be ripping my 2003 Sea of Red performance at S.T.A.R.S. to MP3 formats and trying to get my old FTP going, so I can have those songs downloadable. This is 5 songs, 30 minutes of music, we opened for two coheadlining bands.
-I will also be ripping 2004 Noemo performance at Red's. Once again all mp3 formats, over an hour performance of this coheadlining show with the New Vein.
So for now, take the quiz, see how you do, check back, see how you compared. And hey, message me and grill me before you try the advanced or intermediate ones, and maybe you'll catch some answers BEFORE you do the quiz. PS no cheating.
Take The Fucking Quiz
Holy shit, I love these. So basically this will give you all a little challenge, and it gives you the answers, so if you fuck up...well, at least you'll learn something.
I've given you the option of copy and pasting the url into your browser, or trying the link.
How Well Do You Know Ryan: I Beginner
or try:
Quiz I; Beginner
This one is suitable if you've just met me or know me only over the site. Most of the answers are in my profile.
How Well Do You Know Ryan: II Intermediate
or try
Quiz II; Intermediate
This one is for those that know me a little bit more, maybe in person, or you've talked to me over the site a little bit.
How Well Do You Know Ryan: III Advanced
or try
Quiz III: Advanced
If you know me in person, and have really been paying attention, I didn't make this totally impossible. If you're smart you should be able to get some of them just from paying attention to crap I talk about, or just knowing things about the certain subjects I go on about.
NOTE: Please use your username when you're putting in your name, and your actual e-mail address. No one will actually see your e-mail address, but if you don't put in your actual e-mail address, you nor I will get the results of your quiz.
Also: If you so desire, post your scores below...
In Other News
I'm going to let this one float on for a while so that people can try their hand.
I probably won't be posting again for a while this week, seeing as how I have to be at school tomorrow until 5, then later at 9 i pick dasha up from her late class. Wednesday I have Choir and Karaoke, which I probably won't be able to stay very long for due to the fact that on Thursday I have a midterm, as well as Friday, I also have a midterm.
What You Can Look Forward To
-my new fender and headlights are on the way, and when they're installed I'll have updated pictures of the neon project as it stands
-I will be ripping my 2003 Sea of Red performance at S.T.A.R.S. to MP3 formats and trying to get my old FTP going, so I can have those songs downloadable. This is 5 songs, 30 minutes of music, we opened for two coheadlining bands.
-I will also be ripping 2004 Noemo performance at Red's. Once again all mp3 formats, over an hour performance of this coheadlining show with the New Vein.
So for now, take the quiz, see how you do, check back, see how you compared. And hey, message me and grill me before you try the advanced or intermediate ones, and maybe you'll catch some answers BEFORE you do the quiz. PS no cheating.

congrats on the gateway!