It's the girls really.
Everyone one of them / you are obviously an individual with a truckload of personality and style.
The girls on other nudie.glamour sites are pretty much all indistinguishable from each other. They are all very pretty with excellent bodies but they seem ..... homogenised. I really can't get a sense that this is a real person rather than some commercialised fetish object. I know they all are real people with lives and feelings but that just doesn't come across. And I just can't get interested in some random body parts. I've got to be able to make a connection with the girl and have a sense of there being a real human being behind the pixels on the screen.
That's what happens here. I think it's the alternative culture of the place, the highly individualising hair and tattoos but I think its also in the sincerity of the girls who are here for their own reasons and not just for the money.
Well done to everyone involved.