what i should have said was nothing
i can't win
every time i try - every time i put effort forth - i get shit in the face
obviously i'm doing something wrong
obviously something is wrong with me
i try to be funny sometimes - and well - i just suck
every time i open my mouth
every time i put forth effort
i say or do something that's absolutely offensive
just pure wrong
pure evil
just nothing worth allowing
this is why i work at starbucks
its hard to fail
its hard to be offensive
turn off your mind
stop thinking
do what you're supposed to
don't allow yourself to think
go on auto pilot
smile fakely
be fake
be hollow
being yourself is forbidden
its hard to say something offensive or fail when you turn off
when you do what is expected
when you do what you're told
its hard to do something wrong
you can't offend with please and thank you's
i hate everyone around me
probably because i hate myself
i'm angry all the time
especially lately
granted its one of the few emotions i cling to
but its also a stage a grief
yea - that's a cop-out
but i thought of it after having two days of hate fueled days of work
i got pissed at a co-worker who fell off a horse
fell off a horse
and i got pissed
i make myself sick
honestly i feel like puking
saying the wrong thing sometimes - it just rings over and over in my head
i really can't get it out
its partially why i don't open my mouth in public
i'm honestly quiet - well - sort of
okay i'm a fucking loud mouth
but i don't say anything
i say antiquated lines that are regurgitated to fit context
things that sound right in the right place
things that don't offend
things that are according to the prescribed book and guidelines
this doesn't get you in trouble
this doesn't piss others off
this doesn't make you sick because you're a complete asshole
two people know how bad some of the things i say can get
but there are others that know i'm cold and soulless
this is why i have difficulty getting close to anyone
other than my self-loathing
i'm a horrific person
things i say and think are just wrong
what i write here - is nothing
its just me whining
its really not whats in my head
its not what i really am
its self-portrayal - one that looks good
you really should just run away
i just read the statement i've got posted - "what now" is generally the response
its the words i live by
what did i do now?
what do i do now?
granted its initial message meant something entirely different
but what it comes down to is that i'm simply a fuck-up
i'm a waste
i can't be normal
i can't conform
i can't keep from embarrassing myself
i can only fit in by turning off
it might just be best that i retire from being an individual
my friends hate it
i'm opinionated
i'm an asshole
it honestly only pisses people off
i should stop talking
i can't win
every time i try - every time i put effort forth - i get shit in the face
obviously i'm doing something wrong
obviously something is wrong with me
i try to be funny sometimes - and well - i just suck
every time i open my mouth
every time i put forth effort
i say or do something that's absolutely offensive
just pure wrong
pure evil
just nothing worth allowing
this is why i work at starbucks
its hard to fail
its hard to be offensive
turn off your mind
stop thinking
do what you're supposed to
don't allow yourself to think
go on auto pilot
smile fakely
be fake
be hollow
being yourself is forbidden
its hard to say something offensive or fail when you turn off
when you do what is expected
when you do what you're told
its hard to do something wrong
you can't offend with please and thank you's
i hate everyone around me
probably because i hate myself
i'm angry all the time
especially lately
granted its one of the few emotions i cling to
but its also a stage a grief
yea - that's a cop-out
but i thought of it after having two days of hate fueled days of work
i got pissed at a co-worker who fell off a horse
fell off a horse
and i got pissed
i make myself sick
honestly i feel like puking
saying the wrong thing sometimes - it just rings over and over in my head
i really can't get it out
its partially why i don't open my mouth in public
i'm honestly quiet - well - sort of
okay i'm a fucking loud mouth
but i don't say anything
i say antiquated lines that are regurgitated to fit context
things that sound right in the right place
things that don't offend
things that are according to the prescribed book and guidelines
this doesn't get you in trouble
this doesn't piss others off
this doesn't make you sick because you're a complete asshole
two people know how bad some of the things i say can get
but there are others that know i'm cold and soulless
this is why i have difficulty getting close to anyone
other than my self-loathing
i'm a horrific person
things i say and think are just wrong
what i write here - is nothing
its just me whining
its really not whats in my head
its not what i really am
its self-portrayal - one that looks good
you really should just run away
i just read the statement i've got posted - "what now" is generally the response
its the words i live by
what did i do now?
what do i do now?
granted its initial message meant something entirely different
but what it comes down to is that i'm simply a fuck-up
i'm a waste
i can't be normal
i can't conform
i can't keep from embarrassing myself
i can only fit in by turning off
it might just be best that i retire from being an individual
my friends hate it
i'm opinionated
i'm an asshole
it honestly only pisses people off
i should stop talking
really that is about it, I have been hanging out with my mom since I haven't been around in so long and doing as much partying as possible. One great thing about being a girl is that you can go to a bar and not really worry about having to buy your own drinks, that works out pretty well for me right now
I hope that your weekend turns out to be fun, you are so close to the city you should never have a boring weekend. I am really starting to look forward to going to IL because nobody seems to have any weed around here so that is going to be my main mission when I first get to town

The green quest has gone well
The weather was pretty nice for the weekend, I even went to the Brookfield Zoo on Sunday. It was a blast but as far as the engagement party goes; that was pretty ackward and I really would have rather been anywhere else besides there