The latest in an ongoing series of chats with SG friends and semi-strangers, The Headonism Interviews.
Meet Viking. Shes whipsmart, weird, wise, adorable, and sexy as a Victorian garden fairy. (Am I the only one?)
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1) You seem to like an astounding amount of stuff: objects, films, bands, proper nouns. In your SG and real life circles, would you to some degree define yourself as the sum of your loves and references? Would you say people look to you for guidance and recommendations?
I try to be positive about almost everything, so I'm open-minded and inclusive. I like to experience new things, especially media. Through consuming, you develop your tastes and in that way you learn about yourself. But it's good to be able to appreciate something on several levels, so if you hate a film's plot, at least you can appreciate the cinematography or whatever.
Since I started using the internet a lot, my attention span for music and television was destroyed. I guess I listed the stuff I like here in the hopes that people might understand a bit of what I'm like, but it's futile; people in real life are never what you think they are from the internet, and a personality isn't much illuminated from a top ten list.
I try to appreciate objects without owning too many of them. The more stuff I have, the more trapped.
People don't ask me for recommendations much. I'd love more recommendations from others. In general I often find all this stuff dissatisfying because it never quite appeals exactly to me. That's why it's good to create; you can get a lot closer to what compels you, although nothing will ever be perfect.
2) Every so often, for larks, I read online personals and I'm mystified by those jumbled, quasi-poetic lists people use to describe themselves in attempt to show broadness and exciting contradictions ("I wear cowboy hats with legwarmers!" "I enjoy reading Proust, handgliding, and microbiology!" etc.). Still, given how rarely we meet Internet people, I guess it's essentially harmless. And isn't it nice to cook up these inflated fantasies about strangers? Or are you disillusioned with the whole grubby Internet-glamour-versus-real-life-pallor? And what about the folks who are fantastic in person but can't package themselves in online-friendly ways?
Sometimes people turn out to be better than you thought, sometimes just different. The people who are fantastic in person but not on the net might be more satisfied with the connections they make in real life, and stay there. Its better out there anyway, you get a lot more living done.
3) You're so very reasonable and thoughtful -- it'll make for a sadly pleasant interview. (If only you were rash and neurotic! I'm so accustomed to speaking with the rash and neurotic.) So let's try discussing something comparatively invasive and creepy. As a novice interviewer but practiced snoop, my goal should be to get you to say "Ehhhr, I won't answer *that* nosiree..." Well, we'll build to that.
Do any of your real life friends, acquaintances, family, or coworkers know about or share in your SG life? If yes -- is it awkward or exciting? If no -- is having a secret identity delightful?
Not many people know. Either I don't want them to perv on me, or I don't want them to think I'm bragging. But if everyone I knew discovered, it wouldn't be a big deal. I don't think they'd be surprised! I wish I had more close friends who were on SG though, to chat about it with. I've just started a photography course. I'd like to be able to shoot more sets (I've done some, but I REALLY want to improve before I shoot any more). Then I'll start getting more involved, meeting more UK girls.
4) I'm an amateur photographer, without the equipment or models (or experience) to do the things I imagine, but I maintain a long dreamlist of possible photo ideas. For me, photography is fundamentally sensual (as opposed to writing, my main passion, which involves sitting alone in a small dim corner and smelling of coffee). I imagine photographing naked women cavorting through deep forests -- or libraries...
As a model and budding photographer, do you have similar scenarios you'd like to shoot? And, nudes or not, is sexuality of particular importance to the photos you'd like to shoot? ...I promise, if your dream is to photograph chaste old ladies playing with puppies, I'll understand...
For SG photography, sexuality is important, of course. Its about sexy naked alt girls. I appreciate a sexy set, of course, but I especially love a set where the photography or theme is something special by itself.
I don't have a pre-recorded list of things to shoot. For myself, I enjoy going into depth to explore a theme that I'm inspired by at the time. For others I want to help them capture whatever it is they're interested in. On the other hand if I could shoot anything, anywhere, then yeah, I guess there's a few things on the imaginary to-do list. I really like bright colourful photography in natural surroundings. I want to do a blue icy set on an ice berg, a lush green set in a forest, a black oily underwater set, a moonlit night crawler rooftop set, a suspension set, a bunch of anime tributes...
Outside of SG, I want to try nude portrait photography. Pictures of people with just the right focus, depth and detail that they really tell the viewer a story about the subject; who they are, what life has shown them, their personal strengths and vulnerabilities (which are kind of universal). You know? So you look at a picture and you can see every crease and pore in their face, and you think wow, they've really been there. But right now this is all very pie in the sky, I don't know what I'm doing yet.
5) Apropos of zilch, I've decided it's time for the Viking Lightning British Culture Rodeo Roundup, in which your intrepid interviewer names a numbing number of categories or questions prompting your perspicacious opining on entertainments and edifications endemically English. Here's how it goes: for each line below, please provide a 1 to 5 word response encapsulating your preference or opinion, while bonus bonus reflecting your wit, range of reference, and sneaky salacious suggestions. Go!:
Favorite classic British movie:
Withnail and I (or maybe Trainspotting)
Favorite British vacation destination:
The Peak District
Incredibly desirable British celebrity (male):
Murdoc &...
Incredibly delectable British celebrity (female):
(although other people might say Daniel Craig and Nigella Lawson or something)
Belly-laughingly beloved British television comedy series:
Thoughts on David Cameron:
toff. wants to sweep all the homeless people into another constituancy (or preferrably a landfill somewhere) and turn all London's parks into polo fields.
Ideal, possibly secret destination for sin and sexual deviance:
if not soho, then maybe cornwall
Favorite British museum:
Best British park, alley, or aquarium to make out in:
sea life centers
Favorite current British band:
Favorite classic Manchester band:
Joy Division
(Followup, and please answer carefully: Thoughts on Morrissey?: )
much wittier than me
Fetishized period of British history:
it can only be a reinterpreted vision of the victorian era that spawned this newfangled steampunk fad
One or more British SG friends:
How North is too North?:
i've been to the orkney isles, it was lovely
Best place to be when you're not actually in Britain:
Idiotic but somehow charming American stereotype of British:
that we all say things like balderdash! and poppycock! and cheerio!
The largest British corporation, with assets totaling $790,000,000, according to the June 16, 1924 edition of Time Magazine:
Meditations on the Full English breakfast:
mmm, fried mushrooms
trying to think which celebrities i think are hot was hard. if only i watched tv. i forgot alan cumming! i wish natalie portman was british. gah.
btw cameron really did force a load of homeless people from his district into the next through benefit and council cuts, and make a local park (which included removing the children's playground) into a paying-members-only polo field. and here's some stuff about what a lying queer-hater he is. but my opinion is unsurprising, i could hardly be labelled 'conservative'.
6) Ahem: the largest British corporation, with assets totaling $790,000,000, according to the June 16, 1924 edition of Time Magazine was, in fact, Prudential. I guess you and I will never be truly compatible.
Everyone reading this interview will be very angry by this point because I haven't yet asked a ridiculously beautiful and often naked woman something, something about sex. Yet I get the impression that, despite the SG thing, you're rather private about sex (and I don't wish to pry). Am I right? And if I am right, how would you characterize your desire for privacy versus your interest in being brazenly nude and sexy? (I was right way up in Question 3 -- you do have a secret identity!)
Oh yeah, I didn't google that one properly. The Prudential Assurance Company, Ltd. Hm.
American politics fascinates me. How can a few people run a country so big? It felt too big a country when I was there, in general. It felt more necessary to do something important, so you wouldn't be completely lost. I like my small island, I don't mind being lost here. I'm under the impression that most people who want to be in power are not the people who should be given it. Our leaders are misleaders.
Tough one! I am pretty quiet about it, but then I'm a quiet person. I'm poor at small talk, I feel like if there's nothing to be said, may as well be quiet. There are some people I can jabber away with but they're fairly few and far between. I'm better at listening. My sexuality is a bit of a journey anyway, I'm not yet sure of the answers. I have friends who are able to really own their sexiness, and I'm in awe of them. They seem really brave to me. I don't like wearing revealing clothes. I hate people trying to hit on me. I have no idea how to deal with it. At Halloween I did my face like a skull and danced about. Some dude kept trying to touch my face and tell me I was beautiful and ask why I was wearing all the make-up. Erm, because its fucking Halloween!!! -_- There was this guy who lived in my house once who followed me around a lot and it messed me up. Although it's hard to say I wasn't that way before anyway. I have a problem with attracting mad people. I guess it's my fault too, I love them. I'm generally a hermit misanthropist, but some people are ok. These are the quiet ones, who think differently, and show you all the beautiful things. But broken people break you too. I love sex. I'm not shy about doing it. But I'm not very good at talking about it.
7) I know many women who absolutely rankle when hit on. But it's a compliment, I say. It's not, they say; it's just the creepy, knee-jerk, crass way such men treat every woman. I can understand that.
Then again, I admit, I flirt a bit -- often somewhat recessively. If my flirtation doesn't bother people as much, is it because I'm a better man, or a more casual, debonair flirter?
And I love mad people as well -- but, you must admit, there's stay-up-all-night-painting mad, and then there's he-broke-into-my-apartment-and-ate-my-slippers mad. The women I've dated have been distributed evenly to either side of that line. I don't own slippers any more.
In response to all this, I'm going to ask the most inane ultraclich question I can manage: can you imagine for us your ideal man or woman, your ideal date, and your ideal sex?
I'm not insulted by it, I just don't know what to do. I'm no good at flirting or even getting when someone's flirting with me! I guess if the flirting is idle chitchat that puts a smile on someone's face, that's fine.
I dislike shallowness. I won't go out with someone who only cares about looks. I will date anyone if I like their personality enough. I don't have a type. Although... there are some things that are pretty hot... Facial hair, long hair, plugs and piercings and tattoos... Generally, I like skinny guys and chubby girls, but it's not exclusive.
I'm not sure I've ever been on a date. I just hang out with someone a lot if I like them. And it either develops or it doesn't. But I like sushi, films, and drinking, so some of those things would make a good date. I like ice-skating in the winter. I figured out I could do it when I realised it was a lot like roller-blading, which I spent a lot of time doing when I was a kid (and now, with the roller-derby team).
My ideal sex would be a 3some or 4some with people I'm close to. With a single person, crazy all over the room sex.
I kinda worry that I'm coming off super serious and boring in this interview. I'm more fun in real life. Promise!
8) I promise promise promise: you're coming off just fine. And it's to my incredible credit that I don't follow that with a filthy witty rejoinder.
(When you write about your ideal threesomes and foursomes, I'm torn between calmly discussing the fetishism of group sex, and sending you a crayon-drawn orgy with the space princess astronaut labeled "you" and the lumberjack labeled "me.")
Some seem to feel that you have your friends, and you have your sexual partners, and never the twain shall twine. I think sexuality and friendship are of a piece, and exist along a continuum, and that sexual attraction to friends is perfectly natural and valid.
What do you think? Do you like having fuckable friends, or do you feel betrayed when your old mate who never so much as bat a lash suddenly hankers for you? And if friends can be sexual partners, how do you distinguish a Proper Relationship (if there is such a thing)?
I don't know what makes sex the biggest deal to defining a relationship, if you've had it or not. Some of the people I've been closest too, we never did it, and vice versa, sort of. Relationship boundaries are difficult for me to define and hard for me to realise when they're already there, so you end up with a history of life-moments of pain, embaressment, rejection and awkwardness, but mostly a load of experiences too beautiful to quantify. Lovers and friends, one type isn't better than the other, just different, and besides there's everything inbetween. A bigger problem is getting people to believe, understand and accept your true nature. They want to make excuses for you, write you off, say it ain't so, even villify and torment you. Reject fear, maintain honesty, stay true. It's all you can do.
9) A charmingly shallow question: so, Viking dear, can you share any sexy snowy holiday stories? Something seasonal and heartwarming yet depraved?
I can tell you why santa is always jolly.
It's not much with which to work, but I can imaginatively flesh that into a three-act fantasy...
Lastly, Viking -- delightful, gorgeous, weird, and also imaginatively fleshy -- your final drumroll question:
10) But first a word from Ogden Nash:
"It is common knowledge to every schoolboy and even every Bachelor of Arts,
That all sin is divided into two parts.
One kind of sin is called a sin of commission, and that is very important,
And it is what you are doing when you are doing something you ortant,
And the other kind of sin is just the opposite and is called a sin of omission
and is equally bad in the eyes of all right-thinking people, from
Billy Sunday to Buddha,
And it consists of not having done something you shuddha."
(The rest here:
So, Viking, as time lopes along, do you find that you regret your sins of commission or of omission? In a slightly (but just slightly) sexier sense than Ogden may've meant it, are you moreso regretful of the things you've done that, on reconsideration, you shouldn't've -- or are you pained by the lost opportunities, the folks you never molested in an alley, the one to whom you should've proposed, the one-last-orgy-for-the-road you didn't take?
And no getting out of this one by claiming to live life sans regret, with equilibrium and stiff upper tits and all that -- no no no! I regret nearly every decision, and nearly every decision unmade, and it's time to see if I'm not the only one. Besides, tragedy is a lovely way to end a play, if a bit pat.
I have regrets, but I ignore them. Why give energy to useless emotions? In cases concerning the sexytimes, I regret more the way I handled things than the fact that any of them happened. I was young, rash, foolish, and people got hurt. I try to operate with a bit more tact and discretion these days. I can't regret the actual occurances though, I have some lush and tender memories banked. Some gorgeous regrets. And yeah, I regret most not having done more. But there is a long and adventurous future ahead of me! How can you say you've lived if you haven't attempted to try it all?