Soon I will blog -- but not today.
I have so many ideas and time is so short. My only idea of god is any being who can truly begin, develop, and end a full story. For the rest of us, life begins and ends in medias res.
And so I will make my dutiful, incomplete contribution -- but not today. Today Im preparing for Halloween, and my hands are soon to be hopelessly smathered with clays and glues and whatnots. Then there's dinner and things and things and you know.
But I want to blog! but I cant. So heres this halfblog instead -- a metablog, a blog about the phantom blog that could be here but isnt.
I have so many ideas, and what should be the order? Heres a quick sketch of some things Id like to discuss in the weeks and months and decades to come. Will you help me sort them? Prioritize them? Pant and point with glee to the juiciest? You can choose from such tantalizing blog topics as
-- On Masturbation -- on the joys and continuing mysteries of that koan, the one-handed clap
-- On Pornography -- good, bad, and sad -- with special attention to the perennial feminist tussle
-- On Movies -- what you should be watching
-- On Books -- what you should be reading
-- On Regrets -- a brisk reviw of my long-lost loves -- the almosts, the far-offs, the hopelesses, and the couldve-done-differents
-- On Games -- and my special love for all manner of sex and ribald conversation games, with a special appendix of Games Ive Invented Or Perfected
-- And while were discussing games, why not some genuine bloggy game-playing interactive three-dee participatory shenanigans? such as Confessions? Choose Your Own Adventure? Internet Scavenger Hunt? Or godblessus Truth or Dare?
All of these would be terribly exciting things to blog, wouldnt they be? and isnt it achingly sad that I have to write about them in this distanced, summarizing, conditional tense way? for, in fact, Ive used up all my allotted time just writing this sortablog and now Im quite completely out of
I have so many ideas and time is so short. My only idea of god is any being who can truly begin, develop, and end a full story. For the rest of us, life begins and ends in medias res.
And so I will make my dutiful, incomplete contribution -- but not today. Today Im preparing for Halloween, and my hands are soon to be hopelessly smathered with clays and glues and whatnots. Then there's dinner and things and things and you know.
But I want to blog! but I cant. So heres this halfblog instead -- a metablog, a blog about the phantom blog that could be here but isnt.
I have so many ideas, and what should be the order? Heres a quick sketch of some things Id like to discuss in the weeks and months and decades to come. Will you help me sort them? Prioritize them? Pant and point with glee to the juiciest? You can choose from such tantalizing blog topics as
-- On Masturbation -- on the joys and continuing mysteries of that koan, the one-handed clap
-- On Pornography -- good, bad, and sad -- with special attention to the perennial feminist tussle
-- On Movies -- what you should be watching
-- On Books -- what you should be reading
-- On Regrets -- a brisk reviw of my long-lost loves -- the almosts, the far-offs, the hopelesses, and the couldve-done-differents
-- On Games -- and my special love for all manner of sex and ribald conversation games, with a special appendix of Games Ive Invented Or Perfected
-- And while were discussing games, why not some genuine bloggy game-playing interactive three-dee participatory shenanigans? such as Confessions? Choose Your Own Adventure? Internet Scavenger Hunt? Or godblessus Truth or Dare?
All of these would be terribly exciting things to blog, wouldnt they be? and isnt it achingly sad that I have to write about them in this distanced, summarizing, conditional tense way? for, in fact, Ive used up all my allotted time just writing this sortablog and now Im quite completely out of
Do you really grow African Lilies?
I find that sad and surprising. I have such green thumbs, I guess I always imagine that everyone does. I'll grow you something someday. I would make suggestions of hardy indoor plants, but I know the heartbreak of losing them.