So, some seemed to be interested in the details of what happened when I got mugged on Sunday. Here it goes, the best I can remember it.
I got to the Colesium BART station and just got in my car and fastened my seat belt and just started up the car when someone tapped on my window. I looked out the window and say a young black male with his hoodie pulled up over his face holding a tiny revolver. He said "Give me your stuff."
The gun looked rather fake (I'd say with 98% certainty it was) to me so I then tried to put my car into reverse and just leave, when the passenger door opened up and another young black male leaned into the car and told me to give him all of my stuff. I told him I didn't have anything to give him. He tried to unbuckle my seat belt. I was trying to stop him from doing that, then I decided to just put the car into reverse and pull out of the parking lot. But when I tried that, he shoved the shifter back into park and reached over and pulled the keys out of the ignition and threw them onto the floor boards of the passenger side. Oddly enough, when I saw him do that, I just thought to myself, 'At least I can still drive home when this done.'
The second guy then stood up and the first guy handed him the gun over the car. He leaned back into the car and demanded I give him my stuff or he'd shoot me. I repeated I didn't have anything to give him. Meanwhile, the first guy opened the back door and took out my backpack and put it on. He didn't touch the two bags of stuff I purchased at WonderCon.
Since the second guy now had the gun much closer to me, I felt even more certain that the gun was fake grabbed it to either rip it from his hands or to twist his wrist. The first guy then opened the driver side door and punched me in the side of the head, right behind my left ear. I continued to hand wrestle with the second guy, who kept threatening to shoot me, until I felt the first guy trying to pull my wallet out of my pocket. I let go of the gun and tried to stop the first guy from removing my wallet, mainly by shifting my ass so I was sitting directly on it.
The second guy then stood back up but then he leaned back into the car and grabbed the keys off of the floor boards. 'Dammit,' I thought. 'Hopefully, he'll just toss them after they leave.' Unfortunately, I shifted my butt again when I was contemplating at trying to grab the keys from the second guy as he was picking them up making easier for the first guy to reach my wallet again. I tried to shift my butt again, but he had managed to grab the pocket, and since the jeans were slightly loose, I just shifted myself in them and the pocket was still partially exposed. He kept trying to pull the wallet from the pocket and said, "Why you doing this over something stupid?"
I replied, "Yeah, why are you doing this over something stupid?"
He then managed to pull the wallet from my pocket and he and the second guy took off running out of the parking lot. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and watched them running, hoping they'd toss the keys, but they just ran into the darkness in the surrounding neighborhood. Probably less that a minute later, a BART police car drove by I flagged him down and told him what had just happened.
Of course, this is was a bit more action packed than the only other time I got mugged, where one of the muggers brought my wallet back to me (threw at me from about 1/2 a block away, actually) about a minute after they took off running because they discovered that the wallet had no cash in it. Considerate of the guy, but a bit perplexing.
I got to the Colesium BART station and just got in my car and fastened my seat belt and just started up the car when someone tapped on my window. I looked out the window and say a young black male with his hoodie pulled up over his face holding a tiny revolver. He said "Give me your stuff."
The gun looked rather fake (I'd say with 98% certainty it was) to me so I then tried to put my car into reverse and just leave, when the passenger door opened up and another young black male leaned into the car and told me to give him all of my stuff. I told him I didn't have anything to give him. He tried to unbuckle my seat belt. I was trying to stop him from doing that, then I decided to just put the car into reverse and pull out of the parking lot. But when I tried that, he shoved the shifter back into park and reached over and pulled the keys out of the ignition and threw them onto the floor boards of the passenger side. Oddly enough, when I saw him do that, I just thought to myself, 'At least I can still drive home when this done.'
The second guy then stood up and the first guy handed him the gun over the car. He leaned back into the car and demanded I give him my stuff or he'd shoot me. I repeated I didn't have anything to give him. Meanwhile, the first guy opened the back door and took out my backpack and put it on. He didn't touch the two bags of stuff I purchased at WonderCon.
Since the second guy now had the gun much closer to me, I felt even more certain that the gun was fake grabbed it to either rip it from his hands or to twist his wrist. The first guy then opened the driver side door and punched me in the side of the head, right behind my left ear. I continued to hand wrestle with the second guy, who kept threatening to shoot me, until I felt the first guy trying to pull my wallet out of my pocket. I let go of the gun and tried to stop the first guy from removing my wallet, mainly by shifting my ass so I was sitting directly on it.
The second guy then stood back up but then he leaned back into the car and grabbed the keys off of the floor boards. 'Dammit,' I thought. 'Hopefully, he'll just toss them after they leave.' Unfortunately, I shifted my butt again when I was contemplating at trying to grab the keys from the second guy as he was picking them up making easier for the first guy to reach my wallet again. I tried to shift my butt again, but he had managed to grab the pocket, and since the jeans were slightly loose, I just shifted myself in them and the pocket was still partially exposed. He kept trying to pull the wallet from the pocket and said, "Why you doing this over something stupid?"
I replied, "Yeah, why are you doing this over something stupid?"
He then managed to pull the wallet from my pocket and he and the second guy took off running out of the parking lot. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and watched them running, hoping they'd toss the keys, but they just ran into the darkness in the surrounding neighborhood. Probably less that a minute later, a BART police car drove by I flagged him down and told him what had just happened.
Of course, this is was a bit more action packed than the only other time I got mugged, where one of the muggers brought my wallet back to me (threw at me from about 1/2 a block away, actually) about a minute after they took off running because they discovered that the wallet had no cash in it. Considerate of the guy, but a bit perplexing.
Thanks for enjoying it! I mightve missed you at wondercon, but I was only there fri and sun!
remind me...