It's been a few days since I got back from LA, so I hope I remember some of the stuff I did.
Day 7:
Again, I didn't do much today, got up a little late and felt it was too late to venture out to LA and do touristy things, so I decided to take a few photos around the hotel.
This is part of some kind of surveyor mark painted on the road outside the hotel.
This is the view from the front of the hotel. Hence, the reason I believe they call it Grand Vista. Definitely a better view then the one seen from my bedroom window I posted about my first day in LA.
And the pile of couches by the dumpster.
Day 8:
I took my friend in LA to a job interview, since she is about to lose her job with Tower Records, since Tower is going out of business. After her interview, we headed to CBS Studios to catch a taping of Craig Ferguson. He interviewed Derek Luke and Danny Bonaduce. It was a lot of fun, and I would do it again when I get back to LA. I thought it rather nice that he would chat and joke with the audience between segements. The warm-up comic was also amusing, but had a great collection of bad jokes he used to test us on making certain we would laugh on cue. For example: Why do mermaids wear seashells? Because B-shells are too small.
I apologize I have no photos, but they wouldn't let us bring any cameras into the studios.
Day 9:
I took my friend to a second interview she was set up with and afterwards, we went to Universal Studios.
We thought we had more time there than we thought, so we didn't do as much as we would have liked, and I didn't have time to go back on some of the rides and shows to get decent photos of what I saw and did. But I did see a lot.
First, I'll need to remember that Universal Studios has a brothel.
I also encounter King Kong a couple of times.
I saw one of my role models.
There was also the aftermath of a plane crash.
Plus there was Whooville,
a torture chamber,
a gathering site for peasants to go after the monster du jour,
a water tank,
and lots of neon.
Day 10:
I went to the Getty on this day and headed back home to the SF Bay Area afterwards. I decided to head back early since there really wasn't any reason for me to stay in LA. I ended up not being able to interview or shoot photos for my documentary while I was there, I couldn't talk to any agents and had no auditions to attend. And I was getting tired of playing tourist by myself.
Anyhow, I really enjoyed the Getty.
I couldn't take pictures of any of the exhibits, so I took some pictures outside. I tooks pictures of the travertine blocks,
a fountain,
some flowers,
and, of course, signs.